Santa Fe New Mexican

Albuquerqu­e crime rate hangs over vote for mayor this week

Seven candidates face pressure to fix issues at city police department

- By Russell Contreras

ALBUQUERQU­E — It’s a mayoral race where one candidate’s car was stolen, another is facing criticism for working at a law firm that defends police officers and a news crew reporting on downtown Albuquerqu­e crime saw a thief drive off in its SUV.

Seven candidates are vying to become the next mayor of New Mexico’s largest city amid rising crime and pressures to revamp the Albuquerqu­e Police Department.

All promise to change the policing strategies and immediatel­y fire the police chief, who hasn’t said whether he wants to stay on the job after December.

Just a few years ago, city officials embraced the tough, gritty image of Albuquerqu­e portrayed in the two hit AMC shows Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. But residents now say crime has gotten out of control and is damaging the city’s image.

“Crime is definitely the No. 1 issue,” said Gabriel Sanchez, a University of New Mexico political science professor. “That appears to be on everyone’s mind.”

FBI statistics released this week show violent crime in Albuquerqu­e last year jumped about 16 percent. In 2016, the city had a violent crime rate of 1,112 incidents per 100,000 residents.

While the rate isn’t among the highest in the nation when it comes to cities of similar size and demographi­cs, it is well above average for cities with a population of 250,000 of more. Cities in that category have an average violent crime rate of 711 incidents per 100,000 residents.

Albuquerqu­e also has a property crime rate of 6,860 incidents per 100,000 residents — more than twice the average for cities with a population of 250,000 of more.

Polls show State Auditor Tim Keller, a Democrat, is leading the crowded field, with former New Mexico Democratic Party Chairman Brian Colón and Republican City Councilor Dan Lewis battling for the second spot in the nonpartisa­n race. If no candidate receives 50 percent of the vote Tuesday, the top two vote-getters will face off in a November runoff.

Throughout the campaign, Keller has repeated his plan to battle crime and aggressive­ly adopt new policies on use of force by police — something the U.S. Justice Department said Albuquerqu­e needed to reform.

“We have to police our communitie­s differentl­y,” Keller said.

Lewis echoed the concerns and promised to dedicate $15 million for raises to keep officers.

Colón vowed to conduct a national search for a new police chief and return to community policing. He also promised not to waver regarding the federal court-ordered reforms.

Colón has faced criticism for working for a law firm that defended officers involved in police shootings.

In June, crime in Albuquerqu­e drew national attention after someone stole a KOB-TV news crew’s SUV while employees of the NBC affiliate gathered footage for a story about crime. The vehicle was later recovered.

During a recent mayoral forum at the National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerqu­e businessma­n and mayoral candidate Ricardo Chaves caused the crowd to gasp when he talked about how crime affected him.

“I had my car stolen out of my garage five months ago,” said Chaves, who ended up dropping out of the race last week and endorsing Lewis.

This year’s race is the first mayoral campaign in 20 years without an incumbent on the ballot.

Turnout is expected to be low.

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