Santa Fe New Mexican



Someone who is experienci­ng abuse may show the following signs:

Seems afraid or anxious.

Agrees with everything a partner says and does.

Constantly checks in with a partner to report whereabout­s and activities.

Receives nasty phone calls from a partner.

Talks about a partner’s temper, jealousy or possessive­ness.

Has very low selfesteem.

Be depressed, anxious or suicidal.

Following are indication­s that someone might be physically abused:

Frequent injuries.

Missed work, school or social events.

Clothing that could be hiding bruises or scars.

Someone who is being isolated by their abuser might show the following signs:

Not allowed to visit with family and friends.

Never seen without a partner.

No access to money, credit cards or a car.

Not allowed to work.

If you suspect abuse, show your concern for your friend and ask if something is wrong and offer to help.

Call Esperanza Shelter Crisis Hotline number, 505-473-5200, or visit Esperanza’s website: www.esperanzas­

If you witness serious physical abuse or threats, call 911 immediatel­y.

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