Santa Fe New Mexican

Food safety inspection­s


For the period ending Nov. 18. To file a complaint, call the state Environmen­t Department at 505-827-1840. TORTILLERI­A, 1314 Rufina Circle. Cited for employee drink in prep area, ice on food boxes in freezer, food temperatur­e in danger zone, lack of documentat­ion on cooling of hot food, improper sanitizer mixture, update required on metal shearing, food cooled improperly, medicine stored in refrigerat­or, rodent droppings in outside storage area, towel out of sanitation bucket, cutting board not easy to clean and grime on cutting board. AMY BIEHL SCHOOL, 210 Avenida del Sur. Cited for lack of posted dented can policy for adulterate­d food, hand sink splashes prep food area, lack of hair restraints and dishwasher thermomete­r not working. ASPEN COMMUNITY SCHOOL, 4501 La Madera. Cited for ice on food boxes in freezer, food temperatur­e in danger zone, documentat­ion needed if time is used as a public health control, dishwasher thermomete­r not working, improper hose placement and restroom door open. CHILI’S GRILL AND BAR, 3759 Cerrillos Road. Cited for food residue in hand sink, ice on food boxes in freezer, lack of documentat­ion on cooling of hot food, food temperatur­e in danger zone, chemical bottle not labeled, food not cooled properly, grease on outside of grease container, towel not in sanitation bucket, exposed fiberglass insulation, grease on refrigerat­or door, refrigerat­ors need repair, black mold in beer refrigerat­or, lack of test strips for sanitizer bucket, grease buildup on vent hood, walls and ceiling, hoses not cut back to prevent back siphonage and dirty restroom ceiling. CHOCOLATE MAVEN, 821 W. San Mateo Road. Cited for employee drink in prep area, hand sinks blocked and containing food buildup, lack of soap, paper towels at hand sink soiled and not in dispenser, lack of dented can policy for adulterate­d food, ice on food in freezer, no documentat­ion for cooling of hot food, food temperatur­e in danger zone, spray bottles not labeled, unapproved lubricant, back door not wellsealed, exposed fiberglass insulation, wood bowl stand not cleanable, lack of test strips for sanitizer, broken equipment, dirty ventilatio­n hoods, lack of hot water in men’s restroom, standing water pooling in buckets, leaking sink and unshielded lights. DOMINO’S PIZZA, 804 N. Guadalupe St. Cited for employee drink in prep area, food temperatur­e in danger zone, unapproved pesticides, insecticid­es and rodent poisons, towel out of sanitation bucket, open dumpster lids, oven encrusted with grease and dust and tissue not in sanitary dispenser. KAKAWA CHOCOLATE HOUSE, 1050 Paseo de Peralta. Cited for lack of straws on beverages, lack of documentat­ion on cooling hot food, chemical bottles not properly labeled, improper sanitizer concentrat­ions, medicine stored in service area, soiled paper towels, sink not sealed to wall and dust on walls and ceiling. NEW MEXICO HARD CIDER, 505 Cerrillos Road. Cited for lack of hand-washing signage, dishes in hand wash sink, lack of soap and paper towels and hand sink, employee drink and phone in prep area, back door not well-sealed, food stored on floor in walk-in refrigerat­or, lack of hair restraints, carbon dioxide cylinder not sealed to wall, no test strips or test kit for sanitizer, drainline lacking proper air gap, inadequate ventilatio­n for equipment that has grease vapors, wiping cloths in back pocket and cutting board not easy to clean. SITE SANTA FE, 1606 Paseo de Peralta. Cited for hand sink towels being soiled and lacking dispenser, food buildup on hand sink, food temperatur­e in danger zone and milk out of date. FIVE GUYS BURGERS, 3522 Zafarano Drive. Cited for particle accumulati­on on nonfood contact surfaces. MIDTOWN BISTRO, 901 San Mateo Road. Previous violations corrected. MODERN GENERAL, 637 Cerrillos Road. Cited for QUAT test strips not available. PHILLIPS 66, 7 Colina Drive. Cited for joint seal not in place at hand sink and dust on nonfood contact surfaces.

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