Santa Fe New Mexican

George Foreman



eah, Lithuania – can you believe that? ... He was from there and he kept inviting me. I said “I’m gonna come over and visit you in Lithuania and we’re going to have a big thing.” So when we planned the show, I got ready to contact him and he had passed away ... and I felt so bad. And so a great surprise, I visited with his family when I was there. That touched my heart. I cried on that one. He had a young grandson as strong and powerful, and growing just like him. I was touched. That touched me. I didn’t expect anything like that. I was kind of bumming myself because I’d been invited year after year to come and I said, “Maybe, maybe. I will. I will.” And he passed away.

How did you like riding a camel in the Sahara?

Ohhhh ... that was a major highlight. Some of the things you do, you don’t think you’re going to do it. I’m an avid horseback person. I ride a lot of horses and I always said I’d stay away from camels because they can be quicktempe­red. They’re amazingly strong, and I never intended to get on a camel’s back and I did.

How does it compare to riding a horse?

You can communicat­e with a horse but I didn’t see the communicat­ion with myself on this camel’s back. They always say a horse can feel you (and) what you’re thinking but I didn’t feel anything with that camel. I felt maybe his mind was just far away from me.

 ??  ?? In Season 2 of “Better Late Than Never,” you visit the family of Ionas Chepulis, the Russian boxer you fought for a gold medal in the 1968 Olympics. How did that go?
In Season 2 of “Better Late Than Never,” you visit the family of Ionas Chepulis, the Russian boxer you fought for a gold medal in the 1968 Olympics. How did that go?

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