Santa Fe New Mexican

Super Quiz


Take this Super Quiz to a Ph.D. Score 1 point for each correct answer on the Freshman Level, 2 points on the Graduate Level and 3 points on the Ph.D. Level. Subject: CAMELS (e.g., Camels are prominent in what type of landscape? Answer: Desert.)


1. Camels have either one or two of these. Answer________ 2. Of what does a camel’s hump consist? Answer________ 3. Camels are nicknamed “____ of the desert.”



4. What type of camel has (a) one hump (b) two humps? Answer________ 5. Name any of the South American camelids (camel-like mammals). Answer________ 6. Other than their eyes, what can camels shut during a sandstorm?


PH.D. LEVEL 7. Camels are ungulates. What is that? Answer________ 8. These desert dwellers herd camels and goats. Answer________ 9. Who was known as the “Camel Driver of Mecca”?


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