Santa Fe New Mexican

Trump quote cheered, but Obama said it

Crowd applauded valedictor­ian for quoting president, fell silent when realized which one

- By Cleve R. Wootson Jr.

Ben Bowling’s valedictor­ian speech was one of the rare instances where electoral polling numbers can help us understand humor.

The 18-year-old is the valedictor­ian of the Bell County High School Class of 2018, about 80 miles north of Knoxville, Tenn.

The closest a 21st-century Democratic presidenti­al candidate has come to winning in Bell County, Ky., was in 2004, when John F. Kerry got 39 percent of people there to punch a ticket for him.

Every other race has been (more of ) a landslide by whoever happened to be on the Republican side of the ballot: nearly 71 percent for John McCain in 2008, according to the state’s board of elections. Mitt Romney got 76 percent in 2012, and Donald Trump received an overwhelmi­ng 82 percent of Bell County’s votes in 2016.

On Saturday, Bowling was slated to give a speech before his cap-and-gown-wearing peers and their families, as he noted in one fourth-wall breaking segment.

“This is the part of my speech where I share some inspiratio­nal quotes I found on Google,” Bowling said, before doling out the best the search engine could find:

“‘Don’t just get involved. Fight for your seat at the table. Better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table.’ — Donald J. Trump.”

The crowd went wild, according to a video Bowling shared with the Louisville Courier-Journal. Their applause for the commander in chief nearly drowned out Bowling’s next statement: “Just kidding. That was Barack Obama.”

The applause died down to silence. Someone booed. But secretly, a few people in the audience were chuckling at the partisan bait-and-switch.

“Y’all, no lie — the valedictor­ian just quoted Trump and everyone cheered … then he told us that it was actually an Obama quote. Best part of the day. I’m rolling,” tweeted Alisha Russell, one of the people in the audience, according to the Courier-Journal.

And the joke’s deflating effect was not lost on the speaker, who rolled onto his next quote in silence.

“The crowd erupted in applause and before they could even finish clapping I said I was kidding, and the applause quickly died,” Bowling later told the newspaper. “I just thought it was a really good quote. Most people wouldn’t like it if I used it, so [I] thought I’d use Donald Trump’s name. It is southeaste­rn Kentucky after all.”

The quote he found on Google was a remark Obama made at a commenceme­nt ceremony in 2012. Speaking to graduates of Barnard College in New York, he said “now more than ever, America needs what you, the Class of 2012, has to offer.

“After decades of slow, steady, extraordin­ary progress, you are now poised to make this the century where women shape not only their own destiny but the destiny of this nation and of this world.

“But how far your leadership takes this country, how far it takes this world — well, that will be up to you. You’ve got to want it. It will not be handed to you. And as someone who wants that future — that better future — for you, and for Malia and Sasha, as somebody who’s had the good fortune of being the husband and the father and the son of some strong, remarkable women, allow me to offer just a few pieces of advice. That’s obligatory. (Laughter.) Bear with me.

“My first piece of advice is this: Don’t just get involved. Fight for your seat at the table. Better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table.”

Bowling’s speech in that corner of the Bluegrass State isn’t the only time Trump-centric politics have invaded a commenceme­nt exercise.

Beginning six months after Trump was elected president, commenceme­nt exercise after commenceme­nt exercise became a battlegrou­nd for promoting or protesting the president’s policies.

In May 2017, John Cornyn, a Republican senator from Texas who was then on Trump’s shortlist to lead the FBI, was dropped as commenceme­nt speaker at the historical­ly black Texas Southern University. In an online petition, students said Cornyn’s views were racist and antithetic­al to the beliefs of many of the students there. And they had threatened to boycott their own graduation.

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