Santa Fe New Mexican



NEW ENGLAND FALCONRY: Open year-round, by appointmen­t only; 4148 Hartland Hill Road, Woodstock, Vt.; 802-457-6621; falconryat­woodstockv­ Rates: introducto­ry session: $95; $30 for participan­t who doesn’t handle hawks. Extended session: $180 per participan­t; $50 for participan­t who doesn’t handle hawks.

BOUCHAINE VINEYARDS: Falconry vineyard experience­s are offered in spring, summer and fall by reservatio­n; 1075 Buchli Station Road, Napa, Calif.; 800-654-WINE or 707-252-9065. Rate: $200 per person, including wine tasting and lunch in the Bouchaine gardens.

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