Santa Fe New Mexican



Take this Super Quiz to a Ph.D. Score 1 point for each correct answer on the Freshman Level, 2 points on the Graduate Level and 3 points on the Ph.D. Level. Subject: BABY (e.g., Provide the next four words: Rocka-bye baby ...” Answer: In the tree top.)


1. Complete the idiom: Don’t throw the baby out ... Answer________ 2. On which TV show did Ralph Kramden say, “Baby, you’re the greatest!”? Answer________ 3. What product is associated with the name Gerber? Answer________ 4. These toy animals are stuffed with plastic pellets. Answer________ 5. This is done to help a baby expel gas after eating.



6. Mia Farrow plays the mother of a satanic baby in this film. Answer________ 7. Gangster George Nelson was better known by this alias. Answer________ 8. In the song, what four words precede: “... and one more for the road”? Answer________ 9. The name of this ancient city begins with “Baby.” Answer________ 10. This four-letter verb means to gradually deprive a baby of mother’s milk.

Answer________ PH.D. LEVEL

11. Term for a baby kangaroo, wallaby or possum. Answer________ 12. What was the nickname of JeanClaude Duvalier of Haiti? Answer________ 13. This medical tool is used to pull a baby out of the womb. Answer________ 14. Complete the film title: Whatever Happened to ...?Answer________

15. Who had the hit song “Love to Love You Baby”? Answer________

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