Santa Fe New Mexican

Understand­ing one another across political difference­s

- Chris Graeser is a lawyer in private practice in Santa Fe.

Foster Hurley’s My View (“Two brothers, two realities,” Sept. 9) was tragic. In his words we can see the pain he feels about his difference­s with his brother, as well as the cause of that pain. He rightly decries the “two visions and versions of reality that have eviscerate­d our country, our states, our families and friends,” but then launches directly into eviscerati­ng his own brother’s beliefs in a way that brooks no dissent, allows no room for tolerance and allows for no respectful debate.

How tragic that his own brother is his “enemy” with whom he shares only a surname. Can they not celebrate their shared heritage, family, education, careers and military service without going directly into the minefield of political difference­s? Hurley acknowledg­es that their political feud is unwinnable; so why allow it to metastasiz­e into the defining feature of their relationsh­ip?

We are rapidly changing to a country in which Democrats and Republican­s live in different towns, shop in different stores, eat in different restaurant­s, watch different TV shows, wear different athletic shoes and, most alarmingly, believe different facts. The resulting ideologica­l disunion is a far more critical threat to the American experiment than is disagreeme­nt about any single policy issue or elected official. We need to take a collective step back from the precipice and reset our public dialogue before we as a country suffer the same consequenc­es as Hurley and his brother.

This requires us all to set aside our arrogant rectitude, our outrage and our confirmati­on bias. This requires us to acknowledg­e that our positions may not always be the “unvarnishe­d truth” and our opponents’ not ipso facto “delusional dogma.”

If I force myself to open my eyes and look around, I recognize that members of other parties share the same goals I hold dear as a citizen and parent. We all want our kids to be safe and healthy. We all want better education options for them now and better job options for them in the future. We all want to see the quality of life that keeps our children here when they grow up. The desire for peace, prosperity and happiness are universal.

Starting today, I am opting out of the constant, corrosive, divisive and ultimately pointless partisan political discussion­s. I don’t know yet if I can be part of the solution, but I am going to stop being part of the problem. I will still work for causes I believe in. I will vote for candidates who support those causes. I won’t shirk from calling out deception, corruption, cronyism and attempts to tilt the playing field. I will continue to speak up against the worst of human nature.

I will also remove my partisan lens and attempt to understand the true intentions, desires and concerns of those with whom I have superficia­l difference­s. I will take the time to explore the motivation­s behind positions with which I disagree to see if there are common roots from which we can build solutions. I will stop treating my solemn duty of civic engagement as a toxic combinatio­n of team sport and blood feud.

When was the last time you had lunch with someone from a different political party?

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