Santa Fe New Mexican

‘Grampo tiene’ trouble ‘con su’ seatbelt


Grampo Caralampio got up early esa mañana. He went y se bañó, and after he had taken a bath, fue y se puso his best clothes. This was the morning when he would be going to see the doctor. A few months earlier, en el invierno, he had slipped en un pedazo de hielo that was out en el portal and as a result of that piece of ice on the porch, he had fallen and he had broken his hip. Después de munchos meses de physical therapy ya mero había hecho recover y ahora tenía que ir a presentars­e en la oficina del doctor to see, a ver si ya había hecho heal completame­nte.

As he looked at himself en el espejo ,it looked as if his pants were a little loose. Still gazing into the mirror, he didn’t like it cuando sus calzones estaban guangos so he went and put on a belt. The problem now though, era que la faja barely held on to his skinny hips, under su panza.

“I need something better pa’ detenerme los calzones bien,” he said to himself, reaching into el chest of drawers. Out of one of those cajoncitos en la cómoda, he took out un par de pretales viejos that had once belonged to his own dad. Esos suspenders ya estaban a little faded pero todavía tenían mucho elástico. The elastic stretched and snapped back into place well, so grampo put them on.

He looked at himself en el espejo otra vez. Yes, ahora se miraba bien dressy. Los pretales were exactly what he had needed. He was ready to go into town pa’ que lo chequeara el doctor. He walked slowly out into the kitchen, usando su walker. Grama Cuca and Canutito were already there, esperándol­o. “Dame las llaves de la troca, Cuca,” he said to grama. “I am not going to give you the keys to the truck,” replied Grama Cuca firmly. “Tú no estás en ninguna condición de arrear la troca especially since que you are still using that walker. I will drive you pa’ la oficina del doctor. You get into the passenger’s side y ponte el seatbelt.”

Grampo Caralampio didn’t like it cuando Grama Cuca drove la troca en vez que él. Pero, she was right; él no podía hacer drive mientras que he was still healing de su cuadril quebrão. He got into el lão de los pasajeros y se abrochó el cinturón. Once his seatbelt was fastened, Grama Cuca stepped on the gas yse fueron a la plaza with Canutito sitting en el asiento between them.

When they got to the doctor’s office, Canutito jumped out de la troca and grabbed el walker de su grampo and put it adelante de él. Grampo stepped down from the truck con muncho cuidado y se prendió del walker.

The doctor was very pleased con el progreso que Grampo Caralampio had made en estos últimos meses and so he gave him un reporte muy bueno. Grampo Caralampio was so happy with the report that he asked Grama Cuca to drive them pa’l A&W drive-in pa’ comer un hamburger y una root beer.

When they got home, Grama Cuca and Canutito jumped out y entraron en la casa. After 10 minutes, Grampo Caralampio however, still hadn’t come inside. “Go see what’s keeping your grampo, m’hijo,” grama said to Canutito.

Canutito went outside and looked into the truck. Grampo was still there. He looked out at Canutito and yelled, “M’hijo, I can’t seem to get free de esta pinche seatbelt. It won’t let me get out!”

Canutito looked at him and said, “Grampo, you’re not even wearing your cinturón.” Grampo had been tugging on the elastic de sus suspenders by mistake, pensando que era la seatbelt.

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