Santa Fe New Mexican



Take this Super Quiz to a Ph.D. Score 1 point for each correct answer on the Freshman Level, 2 points on the Graduate Level and 3 points on the Ph.D. Level.

Subject: ISLE(S)

(e.g., In which city is there an Isle of Dogs? Answer: London.)


1. Answer________ Poetic name for Ireland. 2. Arguably the best-known group of islands. Answer________ 3. A tailless breed of cat is believed to have originated here. Answer________


4. The largest and second-most populous island in England. Answer________ 5. Song lyrics: “’Twas on the Isle of ____ that I found her.” Answer________ 6. What is the subject of: “This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle.” Answer________


7. Title of a poem by W.B. Yeats: The Lake Isle of ____. Answer________ 8. The largest of the islands in Scotland’s Inner Hebrides. Answer________ 9. The Isles of Scilly are the southernmo­st location of which country? Answer________

SCORING: 18 points — congratula­tions, doctor; 15 to 17 points — honors graduate; 10 to 14 points — you’re plenty smart, but no grind; 4 to 9 points — you really should hit the books harder; 1 point to 3 points — enroll in remedial courses immediatel­y; 0 points — who reads the questions to you?

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