Santa Fe New Mexican

Canutito and his friends ‘pasean a San Ysidro’


It was a windy day en ese tiempo del año. Canutito had algunos de sus amiguitos over at the house to play pero every time que trataban de jugar, Grama Cuca would come by and chase them away porque estaba limpiando toda la casa. Finally Canutito and his playmates salieron de la casa para ver si podían find another place to play while grama cleaned.

As they were standing out en el portal, el viento came back up and they kept looking around a ver dónde podían jugar away from the wind. Ahora it started to rain. Suddenly Canutito spotted the outhouse standing a poca distancia del portal.

“We could get away from the wind y de la lluvia if we go play en el común,” he said.

“Sí, sí, let’s to play en el común!” everyone else yelled. Whooping and hollering todos corrieron away from the porch and huddled juntos adentro del outhouse.

“What can we play aquí?” Filimotas asked. “I was going to suggest that we play al escondeder­o pero there is no place para jugar hide-n-seek in here.”

“We could draw monitos en la pared,” Anastasia suggested. “Podemos hacer cover the outhouse walls with stick figures.”

“I got it!” Canutito exclaimed de repente. “Let’s play at ‘Mass’. Podemos usar esta área como el altar,” he said, pointing at the seating area. “Si jugamos a la Misa, I’ll be the priest y Filimotas and Prudencio pueden ser mis altar boys. Now, fold your hands como los monacillas haciendo ‘bendito’.” “What will we be?” preguntaro­n las muchachas. “You girls can be the nuns,” Canutito said. “You would look good como hermanas.”

Toda la gavillita faced hacia al rumbo de la seating area and listened mientras que Canutito started praying en latín como el padre :“Introibo ad altari dei.”

Within a few minutes Canutito announced: “ite missa est,” y todos respondier­on “Deo gratias.”

“Now what do we do?” Anastasia asked. She peered outside and saw que ya había dejado de llover. “Hey, it stopped raining!” ella anunció.

Todos salieron del común and stood outside. Todo estaba bien verde y fresco. Canutito announced I think now we should take San Ysidro en procesión through the fields in thanksgivi­ng por los campos that are all fresh.”

“We need a Saint Isidore y también unas anditas to carry him on,” Margarita said.

“¿Qué son ‘anditas’?” Prudencio asked, siendo que he never went a la Misa.

“Es como un platform where we stand una statue de San Ysidro and carry him through the fields. Y yo sé qué podemos usar,” said Canutito. “Let’s stand the santo on grama’s washboard.” He grabbed el lavadero que estaba hanging en el común.” “I’ll be San Ysidro and you guys carry me en el washboard.”

Canutito lay el lavadero down on top of the seating area en el común and he stood on it. Every kid grabbed a corner del lavadero with Canutito standing on it and walked out del outhouse cantando: “San Ysidro Labrador, patrón de los labradores, liberta nuestro sembrado de langostas y temblores.”

As they carried “‘al santo’ por los campos” singing, they hadn’t noticed que una vaca was standing close by watchándol­o. Suddenly the cow mooed y cuando bramó, the children got todos startled and they dropped al ‘santo’ on the ground. Canutito fell de puro fregaso y después que hizo recover from the hard fall, he got up saying: “It doesn’t pay to be too much ofa santo.

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