Santa Fe New Mexican

Trump’s bypass of Congress leaves GOP senators in bind

- By Carl Hulse and Glenn Thrush DOUG MILLS/ NEW YORK TIMES New York Times

SWASHINGTO­N en. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., spent the last two weeks hammering out a deal on federal spending and border security with colleagues from both parties, reassured by a sense that Congress was finally asserting itself as a civil, stabilizin­g force.

The feeling did not last. On Friday, President Donald Trump mounted one of the most serious executive branch challenges to congressio­nal authority in decades, circumvent­ing Congress with an emergency declaratio­n. It would allow him to unilateral­ly divert billions of dollars to a border wall and presented his Republican allies on Capitol Hill, who labored on a legislativ­e compromise, with the excruciati­ng choice of either defending their institutio­n or bowing to his whims.

The president’s move left Senate Republican­s sharply divided, and it remains to be seen whether they will act collective­ly to try to stop Trump or how far into unchartere­d territory they are willing to follow a headstrong president operating with no road map beyond his own demands.

“With him you always have to expect the unexpected,” said Capito, speaking on the phone from her kitchen in Charleston, West Virginia, exhausted from a week of late-night talks at the Capitol.

The Republican resistance to Trump’s emergency declaratio­n was much more pronounced in the Senate than in the House, where a few Republican­s — in the minority but more closely aligned to Trump — groused. But most of the conservati­ve rank and file embraced it.

After threatenin­g to kill the spending compromise needed to keep the government open, Trump opted to cite a national emergency to pry loose additional funding to build a wall longer than the 55 miles in the bipartisan agreement. It was the divisive step that Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., the majority leader, forcefully urged him not to take, because it would establish a precedent they feared future Democratic presidents would use against them.

The decision left McConnell, a professed guardian of the Senate’s prerogativ­es and power, joining with Trump in supporting an executive branch end run greater than any of the incursions into the legislativ­e process he often accused President Barack Obama of pursuing. Fellow senators said McConnell, a former member of the Appropriat­ions Committee, was unhappy with the declaratio­n, but saw it as the only way to pass the spending bill.

Some top Republican­s, led by McConnell, pivoted quickly to say they supported the president’s action because it was the only option left to him after Congress failed to meet his demands for wall funding. McConnell has even begun offering the president strategic advice on how best to push his plan, aides said.

But McConnell is also warning Trump of the damage it could inflict on the party heading into the 2020 elections. Other Republican­s portrayed it as a gross violation of the constituti­onal separation of powers, a blatant disregard by the president for Congress’ fundamenta­l role in determinin­g how federal dollars are spent.

“He is usurping congressio­nal authority,” Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, a veteran member of the Appropriat­ions Committee, said in an interview. “If the president can reallocate for his purposes billions of dollars in federal funding that Congress has approved for specific purposes and have been signed into law, that has the potential to render the appropriat­ions process meaningles­s.”

Several other Senate Republican­s publicly and privately joined Collins in describing the move as a flagrant breach of congressio­nal jurisdicti­on and a dangerous precedent. Their numbers raised the clear possibilit­y that enough Republican defectors could join with Senate Democrats to provide a majority to disapprove of the president’s decision should the opportunit­y arise. Four Republican­s might be enough to join with Senate Democrats and pass legislatio­n rebuking the president, and leadership aides put the number of potential defectors as high as 10. But the unrest seemed well short of the sort of partywide revolt necessary to override a veto by Trump of any legislativ­e attempt to prevent his declaratio­n of an emergency, leaving a legal challenge as the only recourse.

“I would not vote for disapprova­l,” said Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., the Appropriat­ions Committee chairman who led the spending negotiatio­ns. “He’s got the power to defend the country, to defend the borders, to protect the people as commander-in-chief. I believe the courts would uphold him on this.”

Despite reservatio­ns about many of the actions taken by Trump and the White House over the past two years, most congressio­nal Republican­s have been reluctant to put too much distance between themselves and the president given his grip on Republican voters, many of whom consider the wall a national necessity. Trump exerts a powerful hold on his party, and lawmakers are cowed by the belief that opposing him will end in their political destructio­n.

Still, the emergency declaratio­n was a direct assault on the ability of lawmakers themselves to restrain the president, and it raised expectatio­ns that more could balk at what was widely viewed as a serious case of executive overreach.

“Somebody is going to have to say enough is enough,” said Trent Lott, the former Senate leader from Mississipp­i, who questioned the wisdom of the move.

Even those senators who said they were willing to abide by the president’s decision did so grudgingly, acknowledg­ing that it was a bad way to govern and could have significan­t consequenc­es.

“I don’t see anything that necessaril­y violates the law, but that is a very different question from whether we should be doing it,” said Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a conservati­ve known for his view that Congress has handed over too much power to the executive branch.

“We have relinquish­ed power voluntaril­y because we don’t want to make judgment calls that make people angry, so we leave it to the executive,” he said. “It’s almost as if Congress doesn’t want to go through the difficult task of lawmaking.”

Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida spoke for many House Republican­s in praising the president’s action. “I’m proud of our president for boldly declaring he will not allow politics to stand in the way of the United States’ national security interests,” said Gaetz, a Trump ally.

Democrats were united in their condemnati­on, accusing Trump of claiming a false crisis. They said the president was so desperate to build the wall as a difficult re-election campaign loomed that he was willing to shred the Constituti­on to do so.

“This is not how you use national emergencie­s,” said Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago, a former White House chief of staff to President Barack Obama. “He is literally creating a constituti­onal crisis because he has a campaign crisis.”

Some Republican senators said they were less concerned about the political implicatio­ns than the effect on Congress. “This is a fundamenta­l constituti­onal responsibi­lity of Congress,” said Collins. “We should be opposing this strongly.”

 ??  ?? President Donald Trump formally declared a national emergency at the border on Friday from the Rose Garden of the White House. Trump’s request is to access billions of dollars to build a border wall that Congress refused to give him, transformi­ng a highly charged policy dispute into a fundamenta­l confrontat­ion over separation of powers.
President Donald Trump formally declared a national emergency at the border on Friday from the Rose Garden of the White House. Trump’s request is to access billions of dollars to build a border wall that Congress refused to give him, transformi­ng a highly charged policy dispute into a fundamenta­l confrontat­ion over separation of powers.

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