Santa Fe New Mexican

We need to cling to a little ‘niceness’


With all the political craziness that surrounds us today, it’s difficult to focus on anything else. But there are other changes occurring in our society that although probably generated by the political changes, are not political in themselves.

One of these changes that concerns me greatly is the apparent gradual erosion of what can be loosely termed as “niceness,” or perhaps more accurately as “considerat­ion for others.” I see it in the little things, like not letting the other car into traffic, leaving the shopping cart smack in the middle of the only available parking space or insisting on wearing a view-obstructin­g hat while in the theater or cinema. I’m sure you can fill in many more such inconsider­ate actions that you’ve witnessed.

It’s not a generation­al thing, as I’ve observed members of all generation­s behaving in this way. Even in our more than normally polite little city of Santa Fe, the standards of considerat­ion and politeness seem to be eroding. It appears to me that this type of inconsider­ate behavior is increasing as the political mayhem escalates.

Could it be (said with tongue firmly in cheek) that the tragically low standards of behavior being demonstrat­ed by our legislativ­e leaders is setting a bad example? Wouldn’t it be nice, to steal a line from the Beach Boys, if we the people, instead of following the terrible example being set by those politicos, showed them, en masse, how a so-called civilized people should behave?

I know it’s a dream, but after all, this country was built and still is being built by “dreamers.” Let’s dream a little more and put that dream into action by performing at least one extra considerat­e act per day.

You’ll be surprised how good you will feel. You might start a movement! But be aware, there is a danger involved. About 2,000 years ago, a young, itinerant Jewish preacher caused all sorts of trouble by suggesting considerat­e and kind behavior, and you know what happened to him.

David King is a retired IT executive, an ex-small airplane pilot, a political junkie, a volunteer news reader on Santa Fe Public Radio, KSFR 101.1, and he lives in Santa Fe.

I know it’s a dream, but after all, this country was built and still is being built by “dreamers.”

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