Santa Fe New Mexican

Arizona’s Colorado River drought plan, already delayed, may be in jeopardy.

- By Jonathan J. Cooper

PHOENIX — Top Arizona Democrats on Friday accused the Republican House speaker of risking the collapse of a drought plan for the Colorado River by pushing legislatio­n that has angered the Gila River Indian Community, a key player in the negotiatio­ns to protect the water supply for 40 million people.

But Speaker Rusty Bowers dug in, saying he has no plans to withdraw the measure that Gila River Gov. Stephen Roe Lewis said threatens water rights that the tribe gained through a landmark settlement in 2004 at the culminatio­n of a decadeslon­g battle.

Arizona and California are the last of seven states to finalize plans for ensuring enough water exists for cities, farmers and others or risk the federal government drawing up rules as a drought threatens supplies from the river.

“I don’t know what the speaker hopes to accomplish with this,” House Democratic Leader Charlene Fernandez of Yuma said in a statement. “But if it’s federal control of our drought contingenc­y measures and the destructio­n of our Central Arizona agricultur­e economy, it looks like he’s on the verge of getting it.”

Sen. Lisa Otondo, D-Yuma, said Bowers was sabotaging the drought plan and “deliberate­ly attempting to upend years of hard work that went into it.”

Bowers’ measure would change the state’s “use it or lose it” water rights law. He said he introduced it because a group of farmers has been “financiall­y destroyed” by lawsuits from the Gila River community.

He said it’s “unfortunat­e and inappropri­ate” that the tribe is leveraging its support for the drought plan to defeat his measure.

If the tribe wants to back out of the drought deal, Bowers said, “that is their choice. We hope they will reconsider.”

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamatio­n has given Arizona and California a March 4 deadline to get agreements from all parties within their states, including the Gila River community, or the agency will start gathering comments from Western governors about what to do next. The agency is under the Interior Department, which has broad but unspecifie­d authority over the lower Colorado River basin.

Utah, Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico in the upper basin have finished their drought plans, as has Nevada in the lower basin.

The Gila River leader spoke out against Bowers’ measure when it was introduced and issued another rebuke after a committee hearing was scheduled for next week.

As speaker, Bowers wields significan­t leverage over other lawmakers if he decides to use it to push his measure through the Legislatur­e.

“This step may very well prevent us from being in a position to approve the [drought plan] in time to meet the very real deadline establishe­d by the Bureau of Reclamatio­n, or in fact ever,” Lewis, the tribal governor, said in a statement.

He said the tribe would not sign on to the drought plan “unless the bill were withdrawn or the community were to receive some other reliable indication that it will not be moving forward.”

Gov. Doug Ducey’s office declined to offer that Friday, saying Ducey is focused on action in Washington, D.C., despite the challenge at home.

“Our current focus is on working with the other basin states to pass enabling legislatio­n through the United States Congress,” Ducey spokesman Patrick Ptak said. “We’re committed to seeing [the drought contingenc­y plan] through.”

Under the drought plan, the Gila River community would provide water for farmers in central Arizona who otherwise would lose it and would store water in Lake Mead on the Arizona-Nevada border that is instrument­al to the drought plan. A group that crafted the plan in Arizona is meeting for the final time next week.

The Gila River Indian Community establishe­d along the Gila River faced severe water shortages after the river was dammed upstream in the 1920s. But in 2004, following a decadeslon­g battle, it acquired enough water through one of the largest-ever American Indian water rights settlement­s to fill nearly 313,500 Olympic-sized swimming pools annually.

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