Santa Fe New Mexican



From the Santa Fe New Mexican:

July 17, 1919: SEND the New Mexican to your absent friend and keep him posted on what’s doing in the home town. If your subscripti­on has run out, renew it now and get the benefit of the old rate before the subscripti­on price advances on August 1.

July 17, 1969: Several governors and mayors have already honored President Nixon’s request that they declare a holiday Monday to celebrate man’s first landing on the moon.

“If the President suggests it, we ought to go along with him since this would be one of America’s greatest moments,” said South Carolina Gov. Robert E. McNair as he announced an official holiday for state employees.

Nixon signed a proclamati­on declaring Monday a national day of participat­ion hours after he watched the television broadcast of the Apollo 11 liftoff Wednesday.

July 17, 1994: Cris Moore is about 10 minutes late for a 10 a.m. appointmen­t as he shuffles into the Aztec Cafe in sandals, loose-fitting pants and a faded Green Party T-shirt.

With his signature pony tail and a beard that always appears a few weeks short of completion, Moore seems to personify one of the more common pictures of the twentysome­thing generation.

… Surely this must be one of those lost Generation X youth who graduated college thousands of dollars in debt, lives with his parents, has no job worth speaking of, consumes cigarettes and coffee at an addictive rate and complains a lot.

Then Moore flops four inches of council briefing papers on a table by the door and the stereotype is shattered.

This is Santa Fe City Councilor Cris Moore, 26, and he’s one of three Generation Xers in the city who hold elected public office. The other two are Javier Gonzales, 27, and George Anaya Jr., who just turned 30.

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