Santa Fe New Mexican

New Mexico pension reform calls for higher contributi­ons, Nov. 6


“As a retired social worker with a pension, I support the increased fees — and so should all public employees. You can complain about the private sector making more money, but when you retire with a pension, and your private sector employees do not, you will be very happy. I am living a comfortabl­e retired life thanks to my public sector pension.” Mary Jensen

“While I am no fan of Gov. [Michelle] Lujan Grisham, I, as a public retiree, support the task force recommenda­tions to address this serious solvency issue with our PERA fund. We are not going to invest our way out of the hundreds of millions in unfunded liability. We cannot and should not continue to ‘kick the can down the road.’ ” Jeff Varela

“This would be amusing if it wasn’t so sad. Besides the fact that government employees make 20 to 30 percent less than their private sector counterpar­ts (as mentioned by another commenter), the small cola increases they do get don’t make up for inflation and healthcare premium hikes. The proposals will result in net decreases in income for the retirees, many of whom have no easy way to supplement their income.” Peter Neal

“This is infuriatin­g, especially when you realize that our pensions are in trouble because of the rule changes under Gov. [Bill] Richardson that allowed for risky investment­s such as hedge funds. Further, we are also experienci­ng budget windfalls. To ask employees to contribute more because of the mistakes of others is outrageous. Stop this outrage now!” Jim Clark

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