Santa Fe New Mexican

Grampo is saved por ‘la brujería’


Grampo Caralampio walked hacia la casa very slowly and he collapsed en el mero step del portal. Something was very wrong de manera que Canutito ran out to the porch todo worried a ver qué estaba pasando con él.

“Grampo, ¿qué pasa?” he asked him. “¿Por qué está breathing como si estuviera out of breath? ¿Está enfermo?”

“Ay, m’hijo,” he replied, “estoy todo cansão. There was a mouse en la troja de trigo y yo le rompí. Ya lo traiba al fly pero se me escapó.”

“Did you really chase a ese ratón around the grain bin and almost beat the tar out of him, pero he still got away?”

“Sí, m’hijo,” grampo breathed heavily and he added, “pero se me fue. But with all that chasing that I was doing, me torcí el espinazo. Now I think que tengo uno de esos pinchi nerves y me duele muncho.”

“No es un pinchi nerve, grampo,” Canutito said. I think que se dice un pinched nerve in English. Es una forma de ciática.”

“You are muy smartote, m’hijo,” Grampo Caralampio comentó. “Ahora, ¿por qué no me ayudas to get up and get me pa’la cama? Este back pain is really killing me.”

“Maybe que antes que acostarse, you should take de esas Doan’s pills, he suggested.

“Yo no creyo en píldoras,” grampo replied. “I’d rather take cosas like oshá o plumajillo.”

“I was just thinking, grampo,” Canutito said, mientras que lo caminaba slowly hacia el bedroom, “have you ever thought de ir a ver a uno de esos acupunctur­ists?”

“Esos acupunctur­ists van a querer hacerme stab con agujas largas,” grampo panicked as he sat en la cama. “Besides, yo no creyo en esas brujerías!”

“Los acupunturi­stas no hacen practice witchcraft, grampo,” Canutito smiled. “El acupunctur­e es una forma de medicina from China,” he added.

Grampo lay down a dormir pero he just couldn’t porque his back was killing him. Toda la noche he thought que falta que he might end up paralyzed. The next day cuando Canutito came to see him, grampo said: “M’hijo, I think que I am just too hurt para trabajar. I may have to go pa’l farewell.”

“El government help program no es el farewell, grampo ;it is called el welfare.” Then Canutito ran to the kitchen table donde había visto al newspaper. Agarró el papel and he cut out a coupon. He brought it back y dijo: “Grampo, este cupón es un free trial offer para hacerle el trai al acupunctur­e. It may help you.”

“I still say que yo no creyo en esas brujerías,” grampo repeated. “I think que voy a tener que hacer retire for good.”

Once grampo had made up his mind de algo, nadien could change his mind. Era muy terco and Canutito knew about his stubborn streak. Pero terco or not, esa noche, grampo could not sleep again a causa de su backache. The next day, todo unwillingl­y, fue a ver al acupunctur­ist to be stabbed con las agujas largas.

En la mañana, Canutito crept pa’l cuarto de grampo and he was surprised de ver a grampo haciendo situps en el suelo. He turned to Canutito cuando entró en el cuarto and he said: “M’hijo, I have a strong back otra vez, gracias a esa brujería de China! ”…

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Larry Torres Growing up Spanglish

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