Santa Fe New Mexican

‘Grampo y’ Canutito ‘hablan’ about girls, flowers


Una tarde, just sitting out en el portal, Grampo Caralampio and Canutito were swinging en un columpio. Grampo was at the swing, smoking sus Kent cigarettes and rambling on de todas clases de cosas. He was saying: “Sí, mi amigo Felisandro tenía una vieja. He used to call his wife ‘mi empanadita de carne,’ which means ‘meat patty.’ He would introduce her at parties, apuntándol­e y diciendo ‘meet Patty.’ Eventually everyone just took to calling his wife ‘la Empanadita de carne.’ ”

“That’s sounds un poco foneh, don’t you think, grampo?” Canutito asked him.

“I used to think so también, m’hijo,” Grampo Caralampio replied. “Pero ‘la Empanadita de Carne’ was no better que su viejo. She used to tell people que su viejo era tan huevón que the first time she met him, she slapped him tres veces. No lo había reveseão porque he was getting fresh, but only para ver if he was still alive.”

“¡Oh, grampo!” Canutito exclaimed. “That’s silly!”

“You think que it silly porque tú eres muy charpeh, m’hijo,” grampo replied. “Other people no son tan smartes como tú. El otro día a girl named Daisy asked me que si en qué día iba a caer Ash Wednesday. I told her que porque era un leap year, Ash Wednesday iba a hacer fall on Friday the 13th. La tonta believed it.

“Did she really think que el Ash Wednesday iba a caer en un viernes?” Canutito asked grampo. Maybe que she just wasn’t pensando muy bien.

“Cuando vi que she was believing todo lo que le decía ,I added que el Fourth of July este año was going to fall on the 10th of August porque el año was running a month and a week más tarde.

“What did she say a todo eso, grampo?” Canutito asked him.ana “Did she really think que the year is running un mes y una sem more late que siempre? By the way, ¿cómo se dice ‘Daisy’ in Spanish?”

“Her name en español would be ‘Margarita,’ ” grampo said. “What kinds de flores crecen en abril, grampo?” Canutito asked him.

“Pues a veces, sale chicoria, m’hijo,” grampo said. “What is chicoria called en inglés, grampo?” Canutito asked him.

“In English they are called dandelions,” grampo replied. “Las dandelions get sus nombres de las French words ‘dents de lion,’ which mean ‘teeth of a lion’ porque tienen leaves bien sharp como los dientes de un león.”

“Una vez mi mamá made some vino de chicoria,” Grampo Caralampio said as he walked pa’dentro de la cocina. And I tell you que ese dandelion wine era más charpeh que la fregada. Era el vino más amargo that I had ever tasted.”

“I noticed que las blossoms on the apricot tree have already sprouted,” Canutito contribute­d a la conversaci­ón.”

“Sí,” grama agreed con él, traéndole un cafecito .“Los apricots in Spanish son albaricoqu­es, which comes to us del árabe.”

I guess que this is really la primavera porque we spent toda la tarde hablando all about muchachas and flowers. I would call that a good greeting para el spring, and he began to yell out: “¡Allí viene la primavera con flores y muchachas!” …

 ??  ?? Larry Torres Growing up Spanglish
Larry Torres Growing up Spanglish

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