Santa Fe New Mexican

Biden should flex muscle to get people vaccinated


President Joe Biden is not the first American chief executive to come up against recalcitra­nt governors and other officials willing to put their political interests ahead of the well-being of citizens. But the enormous resources of the federal government give him tools to overcome those forces.

In figuring out how to effectivel­y flex Washington’s muscle on health care, the 46th president might look to the 36th.

When Lyndon B. Johnson won the monumental legislativ­e battle to establish Medicare and Medicaid in

1965, tens of millions of Americans became eligible for government-financed medical coverage. But there was a big stumbling block to those programs actually achieving their promise: segregatio­n.

The Civil Rights Act, passed the year before, had prohibited facilities that received federal funding from discrimina­ting by race, creed or national origin. To collect from Medicare, hospitals and clinics had to offer proof that they were integrated, from their patient wards and cafeterias, right down to their blood supplies. Black patients — as well as qualified Black doctors, nurses and medical technician­s — could not be denied admittance or shunted into inferior wings.

The nearly simultaneo­us enactment of these two historic pieces of legislatio­n was not a historic coincidenc­e. Johnson saw health care and civil rights as inextricab­ly linked. So did some segregatio­nist governors, including Alabama’s George Wallace, who encouraged facilities in their states to resist becoming colorblind when it came to the access and care they offered. With just two months to go before Medicare went into effect, half the hospitals in a dozen Southern states had not met the standards for compliance.

There appeared to be a real possibilit­y this would mean inadequate services for newly enrolled beneficiar­ies in some parts of the country. As a backup, Johnson ordered his staff to look into making federal facilities operated by the military, the Veterans Administra­tion and the Public Health Service to make care available. But it turned out that was not necessary. The leverage that finally brought hospitals into line was their desire not to miss out on federal money.

“Johnson saw Medicare as more than a passive vehicle of paying hospital bills — he saw it as an instrument of social change,” David Blumenthal and James A. Morone wrote in their 2009 history, The Heart of Power: Health and Politics in the Oval O∞ce.

The parallels are not precise to what Biden faces more than a half-century later. As COVID19 surges once again, the current president is trying to overcome politicall­y motivated, misinforma­tion-driven resistance to lifesaving vaccines, which is particular­ly intense among Republican­s. Even such commonsens­e measures as wearing masks have become political signifiers. GOP governors, most notably Florida’s Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott of Texas, have banned mask mandates in schools and elsewhere.

But Biden needs to show some LBJ-like aggressive­ness in using Washington leverage when persuasion and rationalit­y are not enough.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is preparing to require that the 1.3 million U.S. active-duty troops be fully vaccinated against the coronaviru­s, as they must be against other diseases, but he and Biden should go further and extend that order to National Guard members and reservists, who must be prepared to deploy as first responders. Vaccinatin­g them is not only common sense but could send a strong message to the communitie­s across the country in which they live.

After DeSantis threatened to withhold the salaries of superinten­dents and school board members who defy his executive order against classroom mask mandates, the Post’s Annie Linskey reported the Biden administra­tion is examining whether it can direct unused stimulus funds to help make those local education officials financiall­y whole. Also reportedly under considerat­ion: withholdin­g Medicare or other federal money from institutio­ns such as nursing homes and universiti­es unless they require their employees to be vaccinated.

All of this will be more feasible and politicall­y palatable once the Food and Drug Administra­tion gives final approval for the Pfizer shot, which is expected in the coming weeks. Even then, there would no doubt be backlash. But this is a president who promised a “full-scale wartime effort” to overcome the coronaviru­s, a shape-shifting and lethal enemy that has found collaborat­ors in the Republican political class.

Science has given us the weapons to better protect the U.S. populace from this threat. The commander in chief has some yet-to-be-used powers and incentives to assure their deployment. It is no time to be squeamish about using them.

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 ??  ?? Karen Tumulty Washington Post
Karen Tumulty Washington Post

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