Santa Fe New Mexican

Company pulls applicatio­n for cloud seeding

At Monday forum, many voiced objections to proposal in Northern New Mexico skies

- This story first appeared in The Taos News, a sister paper of the Santa Fe New Mexican. By Rick Romancito

TAOS — A Colorado company has retracted its applicatio­n to conduct a cloud seeding project in Northern New Mexico.

New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission Deputy Director Hannah Riseley-White said Western Weather Consultant­s of Durango, Colo., told her about its change in plans Tuesday.

The company did not respond to requests for comment on the decision.

“The reason they gave was the timeline was pushed back too far for adequate time for the program,” said Riseley-White, who also is chairwoman of the commission’s newly formed Weather Control Committee.

The commission held a webinar on the project Monday, when the majority of the 150-plus members of the public who dialed in voiced objections.

At stake was a proposal to conduct cloud seeding between Dec. 13 and March 15 along the Sangre de Cristo Mountains from Red River to Santa Fe. The project would have been funded by the Roosevelt Soil and Water Conservati­on District, which had hired Western Weather Consultant­s. The company planned to use seven cloud-seeding nuclei generators. The devices produce plumes of silver iodide crystals with a goal of increasing precipitat­ion.

A Nov. 11 legal notice in the Taos News states the “intended effect of the operation is to increase precipitat­ion/snowpack water content … to benefit: natural habitat, agricultur­e, municipal water, stock growers, recreation­al and tourism interests, local economy.”

It is unclear whether the company will try to reapply for the project.

Cloud seeding has been conducted for at least 75 years in the U.S. and is becoming increasing­ly popular due to ongoing drought conditions in Western states. The process’s effectiven­ess at increasing precipitat­ion and its potential environmen­tal and public health effects have remained a subject of concern.

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