Santa Fe New Mexican

Ousted leader convicted in Myanmar

Sentencing of the Nobel laureate viewed as political, condemned by U.S., Britain and EU

- By Shibani Mahtani

A Myanmar court on Monday found ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi guilty of charges including inciting public unrest and sentenced her to four years in prison — the first in a series of verdicts that could keep the 76-year-old Nobel laureate detained for the rest of her life.

Later Monday, state television announced that junta chief Min Aung Hlaing would reduce Suu Kyi’s sentence by two years and keep her detained in her current undisclose­d location rather than moving her to a prison.

The reduction does not substantiv­ely change Suu Kyi’s fate, as she continues to face more serious charges with potential life sentences. The United States, Britain, the United Nations and the European Union all roundly condemned the verdict, describing it as political.

“The military regime’s unjust conviction of Aung San Suu Kyi and repression of democratic­ally elected officials are further affronts to democracy and rule of law in Burma,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement Monday, using another name for the country.

“The proceeding that today convicted Aung San Suu Kyi should not be confused with a trial — it is theatre of the absurd and a gross violation of human rights,” Tom Andrews, the U.N. special rapporteur on Myanmar, said on Twitter.

The closed-door trial in Naypyidaw, the capital, highlights the punitive treatment that the ruling junta is imposing on Suu Kyi, whom the military previously held under house arrest for almost two decades. After her release in 2010, she led her party to successive victories in quasi-democratic elections in 2015 and 2020, before the military seized power in February, again detaining Suu Kyi.

This time, the military seems intent on eliminatin­g Suu Kyi as a political force. Since the coup, she has been held incommunic­ado in an undisclose­d location. The military has piled on a dozen criminal charges against her, including campaignin­g during the pandemic, corruption and sedition; she faces more than 100 years in jail. Rulings on two of those charges — inciting public unrest against the military and breaching COVID-19 rules — were handed down Monday in a closed hearing. A person close to the trial, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of restrictio­ns on talking to the media, said Suu Kyi received a sentence of two years for each charge.

For decades, Suu Kyi advocated nonviolent resistance as she led the struggle for democracy and an end to the military’s dominance of the Southeast Asian country — a cause that won her a Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 and widespread acclaim in the West.

This year, Myanmar’s people have suffered as the military has exacted retributio­n against opponents of the coup. Some 1,300 have been killed and more than 7,000 arrested, charged or sentenced, according to the Assistance Associatio­n for Political Prisoners (Burma).

The military controls Myanmar through its State Administra­tion Council. The junta says Suu Kyi and other ousted political leaders have been given a fair trial and insists the courts are independen­t. In practice, however, diplomats and experts say, the courts are subservien­t to the military administra­tion.

 ?? ANDRE MALERBA/BLOOMBERG NEWS ?? A demonstrat­or holds up an image of Aung San Suu Kyi during a Feb. 1 protest outside the Embassy of Myanmar in Bangkok.
ANDRE MALERBA/BLOOMBERG NEWS A demonstrat­or holds up an image of Aung San Suu Kyi during a Feb. 1 protest outside the Embassy of Myanmar in Bangkok.

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