Santa Fe New Mexican

‘Toda la familia’ gets a big scare

- Larry Torres Growing Up Spanglish

Las autumn leaves were scattered por toda la yarda y Canutito had made a big ole pilota of them to jump on. He was teniendo mucho fon brincando en las hojas and tossing them into the air just to see el shower de gold come floating back down desde el cielo. He was having so much fun que no hizo ni notice cuando Grampo Caralampio came outside to watch him. He had sat en el portal next to la jack-o-lantern que había carve de una calabaza.

“Qué está s haciendo, m’hijo?” Grampo Caralampio called out to him.

“Oh grampo,” Canutito called back todo excited, “I made una big pile de hojas so that I could jump en ellas!”

“Yo tengo una better idea, m’hijo,” Grampo said, coming up to him. Vamos hide en las leaves and scare a tu grama when she comes out a colgar el laundry on the clothes line.” Canutito snickered a sí mismo as he covered himself up con las hojas and watched as Grampo Caralampio también lay down next to him and put bonches de leaves on himself. Then they stayed muy quietos waiting for Grama Cuca to come out de la casa.

It didn’t take mucho tiempo. En unos cuantos minutos Grama Cuca came out of the house con su laundry basket lleno de clothes. She came down los steps del portal and out into la yarda by the big pile of leaves. Cuando Canutito and grampo heard her come near them, brincaron out of the pile yelling “Boo! Wah!”

“Jesús mil veces!” Grama Cuca screamed cuando los dos leaf monsters leaped up at her. Pero just as quickly su shock hizo turn into anger and she screamed, “Vaquetones! I almost hice pee en mis calzones because of you!”

She bent down to juntar todas las camisas, pantalones, medias y chortes that had flown through the air y por toda la yarda cuando she had screamed. “Come help me pick up todo este laundry, soroches!” she snapped at the men.

“Ahora a causa de su prank, you guys have to help me hang up todo este garrero on el tendedero.”

Los hombres held up la ropa as Grama Cuca pinned it in place con trampitas. Then toda la familia walked back pa’ la casa slowly. As they approached the porch, Canutito pointed to the jack-o-lantern and asked, “Grampo, why did you put esa jack-o-lantern up there next to the garbage can?”

“I put ese farol fatuo next to the basurero,” grampo answered, “porque los racunes keep getting into it and I thought que posiblemen­te it would scare them away.”

“Los ‘raccoons’ no son ‘racunes’!”

Grama Cuca corrected him. “They are called ‘mapaches’!”

“I don’t care what they are called,” grampo shot back. “Todo lo que yo sé is that they are sneaky, little animalitos que are always getting into el garbage. I hope que la jack-a-lantern gave them un big scare.”

Just then, Canutito stopped todo abruptly. He pointed to the farol fatuo en el portal, and he stammered, “Grampo, grama, ese jack-olantern is moving!”

Toda la familia stopped to watch ysí , not only was the jack-o-lantern moviéndose back and forth pero it also had dark eyes that looked back at them con malicia. “Ave María Purísima!” grama shrieked. Grampo grabbed un palo viejo and he approached the jack-o-lantern with his stick held high. He just about ready to give it un buen fregaso when a dark-eyed raccoon jumped de la calabasa and knocked it down.

Grama Cuca looked at el jack-olantern and remarked, “Not only did el farol fatuo not scare away a los racunes; judging del inside de la calabaza, they had una fiesta eating the inside de la pumpkin.” …

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