Santa Fe New Mexican

Dem group in Senate pushes for civilian conditions on Israeli aid

- By Ellen Knickmeyer and Lisa Mascaro

WASHINGTON — As a cease-fire ticked down last week and Israel prepared to resume its roundthe-clock airstrikes, Sen. Bernie Sanders and a robust group of Democratic senators had a message for their president: They were done “asking nicely” for Israel to do more to reduce civilian casualties in Gaza.

Lawmakers warned President Joe Biden’s national security team that planned U.S. aid to Israel must be met with assurances of concrete steps from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hard-right government.

“The truth is that if asking nicely worked, we wouldn’t be in the position we are today,” Sanders said in a floor speech. It was time for the United States to use its “substantia­l leverage” with its ally, the Vermont senator said.

“And we all know what that leverage is,” he said, adding, “the blank-check approach must end.”

With Biden’s request for a nearly $106 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and other national security needs hanging in the balance, the senators’ tougher line on Israel has gotten the White House’s attention, and that of Israel.

Lawmakers of both major political parties for decades have embraced the U.S. role as Israel’s top protector, and it’s all but inconceiva­ble they would vote down the wartime aid. The Democratic lawmakers are adamant that’s not their intent, as strong supporters of Israel’s right of self-defense against Hamas. But that Democratic lawmakers are making that link at all signals the fractures in Congress amid the daily scenes of suffering among besieged Palestinia­n civilians.

Sanders and the Democratic senators involved say they are firm in their stand Israel’s military must adopt substantiv­e measures to lessen civilian deaths in Gaza as part of receiving the supplement­al’s $14.3 billion in U.S. aid for Israel’s war.

The warning from friendly Democrats is a complicati­on for the White House as it faces what had already been a challengin­g task of getting the supplement­al aid bill through Congress. Some Republican­s are balking at the part of the bill that provides funding for Ukraine’s war against Russia, and the funding for Israel was supposed to be the easy part.

The demand is a warning of more trouble ahead for an Israeli government that’s often at odds with the U.S. in its treatment of Palestinia­ns.

“There’s a big difference between asking and getting a commitment” from Netanyahu’s government on a plan to reduce civilian casualties and improve living conditions in Gaza, Maryland Democratic Sen. Chris Van Hollen told The Associated Press. Van Hollen has been one of the key senators huddling with administra­tion officials on the demands.

“So our goal is to achieve results,” Van Hollen said. “And not just set expectatio­ns.”

Following the senators’ warning, the Biden administra­tion has upped its own demands to Israel since late last week, insisting publicly for the first time Israeli leaders not just hear out U.S. demands to ease civilian suffering in Gaza but agree to them.

Over the weekend, as an end to the cease-fire brought the return of Israeli bombardmen­t and Hamas rocket strikes, the Israeli military said it had begun using one measure directed by the Biden administra­tion: an online map of Gaza neighborho­ods to tell civilians which crowded streets, neighborho­ods and communitie­s to evacuate before an Israeli attack.

Heavy bombardmen­t followed the evacuation orders, and Palestinia­ns in the Gaza Strip said they were running out of places to go in the sealed-off territory. Many of its 2.3 million people are crammed into the south after Israel ordered civilians to leave the north in the early days of the war.

The health ministry in Hamas-run Gaza says more than 15,500 Palestinia­ns have been killed, with 70% of them women and children.

On social media, Sanders repeated his call for an end to blank checks for Israel as Israeli forces returned to heavy bombing after the cease-fire.

While Secretary of State Antony Blinken said more measures were coming besides the online map, it wasn’t clear if any would lessen civilian deaths or satisfy administra­tion and lawmaker demands.

Israel is the top recipient of U.S. military aid over time.

Trying to attach strings to U.S. aid to Israel isn’t unheard of, for Congress or for U.S. presidents. Ronald Reagan, for instance, repeatedly suspended or threatened suspension­s of fighter jet deliveries to Israel over its military incursions in the region in the 1980s. This time, though, is notable since it is being discussed in a Democratic-controlled Senate.

Sanders and the Democrats haven’t specified what form the conditions could take, as talks continue. Several Democratic senators contend no additional law is necessary. They say existing U.S. law already mandates that countries receiving U.S. military aid heed human rights concerns.

 ?? ?? Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders

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