Santa Fe New Mexican

Struggling to keep friends due to trust issues


Dear Annie: I have a friend, “Donna,” who lives in another state. We’ve been friends for three years. Due to past trauma of being cheated on, I have trust issues. I’ve damaged and even lost a few friends because of these issues.

Donna is an introvert and doesn’t want to talk all the time. I’m more extroverte­d. When she says she can’t or doesn’t want to talk, I have doubts about our friendship and it causes fights. It hurts because I know she’s a true friend, but I struggle to bring myself to trust her.

Truth be told, ever since I moved, I’ve missed having a true friend who’s close by. Making friends where I moved to has been a struggle. I dislike where I moved from but miss the hell out of my friend. Please help.

— Lonely in Wyoming

Dear Lonely: Don’t take Donna’s introversi­on too personally. Everyone has different communicat­ion styles, and just because yours don’t exactly match doesn’t mean she doesn’t value your friendship. Let her know how much you miss her and how you’ve been struggling in isolation after your move.

As for settling in in your new city, put your extroversi­on into volunteeri­ng, joining a club or hitting some local scenes to meet people who share your interests. There might also be online therapy or lowcost counseling near you. Remember that growth takes time. Be gentle with yourself.

Dear Annie: I wanted to take a moment and let you know how much I enjoy your column; I think you give the best responses. I do not have a question, but rather some valuable advice for your readers. You see, I grew up in a home with a toxic marriage modeled by my parents. I remember being about 10 when my mom found out about my dad’s affair and we rode around with a baseball bat, searching for the “other woman.”

Fast forward, they just celebrated 50 years together, and my dad calls me complainin­g about my mom, and my mom calls me complainin­g about my dad. I am frankly TIRED of it. If you are in a bad marriage, consider this your approval to end it.

My mom always taught me that you stay no matter what. I am about to graduate college and will be a social worker. I am so excited to empower/teach others to end what does not serve them. Love is not enduring unlimited abuse, and you don’t get a trophy for the years you stay.

— Willing to Walk

Dear Willing: Thank you for your letter and wise words. I’m sorry to hear about all the traumas you’ve experience­d but am glad they have given you such a strong sense of self-worth and awareness. I agree it’s so important to protect ourselves, our mental peace and overall well-being.

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