Savannah Morning News

Wheelchair accessorie­s can stop tips, falls

- Jaclyn Greenberg

Wheelchair­s can come with a variety of customizat­ion options – from size to design and comfort – but the top priority for any wheelchair user, or their caregiver, is safety and security. Peace of mind is essential, and there are quite a few accessorie­s available that can be added to a wheelchair to help prevent potential emergencie­s including tips, falls, and theft.

We've evaluated these essential wheelchair accessorie­s, including anti- tippers and fall-detection devices, that offer enhanced wheelchair safety. We think you'll like them, too.

While many shoppers find these products are generally effective, total safety is never guaranteed. After buying any of these items, thoroughly test them in your precise living scenario to ensure they work for you.

Anti-tippers for wheelchair­s

Wheelchair­s usually come with brakes. Sometimes the controls are near the handles, or there may be a lever you can press down under the back wheels. But what happens when a caregiver forgets to engage this important tool? What if the user tries to get out of their wheelchair before the brakes are engaged? Adding one of the following items offers an additional layer of security.

These Medline anti-tip wheels can prevent a wheelchair from reclining back and potentiall­y flipping over. They are made of durable metal and are easy to install, but make sure they're a good fit for your specific wheelchair, as there are many different models to suit certain chair sizes.

For our senior editor of Accessibil­ity, Christophe­r Groux, anti-tippers are essential accessorie­s that have governed how he's used a wheelchair for the past 30 years. When you know you're not going to tip, certain terrains are less treacherou­s.

Leveraging a similar concept in a different form factor, this Safe-T Mate wheelchair anti-rollback device keeps the user safe by attaching to the larger central wheels and preventing the wheelchair from rolling away. Reviews of this product are positive, but some critiques suggest installati­on may be tricky.

This 210 Innovation­s speed restrictor has adjustable resistance pads that also attach to the large rear wheels of most wheelchair­s. The amount of resistance applied can vary from a slight to significan­t drag.

Chair sensor mats

Especially for those with reduced muscle control, a wheelchair user sliding or falling from their chair is a possible and extremely traumatic event. The products listed below are small mats that alert caregivers when unexpected movements happen. This basic fall detection technology isn't foolproof, but it may still be helpful

Chair sensors, like this Lunderg Bed Alarm & Chair Alarm System, fit under someone – while they are seated or in bed – and sound an alarm when the individual walks away or falls. The portable pager has a volume control button and a vibration setting. A call button is sold separately.

Similarly, this Val-U-Care Safety Monitor also comes with a mat and pager. The monitor has volume control but some of its reviews are mixed, as the alarm is loud and may trigger a false alarm when an individual shifts in their seat. The mat can be cleaned, though, so

at least it’s always fresh.

If the seat mat design isn’t your style, some alarms create a tether between the chair and the user. These attach directly to the person and are less likely to be triggered by casual weight shifts.

This Econo Wheelchair Alarm can be clipped to a wheelchair – or any chair – with Velcro and has a magnetic pull switch that attaches to clothing with a clip. When the clip disengages from the device, an alarm sounds alerting caregivers to help.

Another option is this Blue Jay Alarm Alert Magnet Alarm, which also clips to a user’s clothing and detects falls when the magnetic button detaches from the device. There is an option for a calm music tone instead of an intentiona­lly disruptive alarm, and the device flashes green when it’s attached and ready for use.

This Mobi Emergency Alert Button allows caregivers and family members to be notified quickly in case of an emergency. The button can be worn around an individual’s neck, and caregivers are alerted via an app on their phone. Unlike the other items listed above, the user must activate this button themselves.

Safety harnesses and seatbelts

If the user is more independen­t and stable in their movement, an alarm-based fall detection system might be disruptive or seen as overkill. A simple seatbelt or harness may be all you need. A seatbelt is another safety-focused wheelchair accessory our accessibil­ity senior editor swears by. Especially if the user pilots the wheelchair on their own, these can be a huge lifesaver.

This Acouto safety belt keeps a wheelchair user safe and secure. The adjustable belt wraps around the user’s abdomen and the back of the wheelchair. The harness is filled with an elastic sponge, so it’s soft and won’t leave pressure marks.

If the user needs more security than just around the abdomen, this Hoomtree Wheelchair Seatbelt with Pocket secures individual­s from neckline to waist. The harness attaches to the back of the wheelchair and is adjustable for comfort.

It even has a pocket for carrying small items.

Footplates and seat grips

Rather than stopping slips propelled by the upper torso, some accidents may be caused by movement of the feet or buttocks. These products intend to stop slips before they happen, which may negate the need for an alarm.

These Grip Solutions Footplate Grips attach to a wheelchair footplate and keep the user’s feet safe and secure. The grips attach with Velcro straps, so they can be easily added or removed, and they can be cleaned without reducing stickiness.

Similarly, this Grip Solutions Grip Seat is a nonstick surface that keeps the user secure in one position rather than slipping down in the wheelchair. The grip seat can be cleaned and cut to fit the size of the cushion.

The removable Grip Seat can also be used on regular chairs, too. This keeps the individual safe out in public, or when they don’t feel the need to use their wheelchair but still want a little more security.

Anti-theft device

A wheelchair being stolen seems like a highly unlikely event, and it is. That said, especially if caregivers manage wheelchair­s in public settings, like a hospital or rehab facility, it’s possible patients may want to steal a chair once their visit ends.

To prevent this and other similar scenarios, this Drive Medical Anti-Theft Device stops a wheelchair from being folded and tossed in a backseat or trunk. Made of metal, it can be easily attached and removed from the back of a wheelchair. Personal alarms and pagers

 ?? REVIEWED / MOBI / BLUE JAY AN ELITE HEALTHCARE BRAND ?? These tethered alert systems are straightfo­rward, with real-time notificati­ons to help report unexpected accidents quickly.
REVIEWED / MOBI / BLUE JAY AN ELITE HEALTHCARE BRAND These tethered alert systems are straightfo­rward, with real-time notificati­ons to help report unexpected accidents quickly.

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