Sentinel & Enterprise

Don’t take gift for granted

- Bonnie Page Ask the PsyChiC Bonnie Page is a psychic medium and spiritual life oach. She is available for private sessions at Messages from Heaven, 646 Central St., Leominster, or by calling 978-297-9790. If you have a column question, visit bonniepage­med

Dear Bonnie: I recently started to give mediumisti­c readings, and I love helping others as you do with your gift. However, I am finding the extremely sad readings are taking a toll on me, and I often have a hard time letting those feelings go. Can you offer any advice? — Selene

Dear Selene: I have been doing mediumisti­c readings and soul work for some time now but still there are always a few that I have a hard time recovering from.

Just a while ago, I had a lady who I will call Karen call and ask for a phone reading. She told me how she loved reading my columns and how they had helped her in so many ways. I thanked her and she didn’t say much more, and we made the appointmen­t.

When the day came for her reading, I did as I always do. I say a prayer before each reading as they are sacred to me, then I dialed the phone number and Karen’s small, quiet voice answered the call. I asked her if she was in a nice, quiet place that she would not be disturbed. She said yes, and I asked her if there was someone special she would like to hear from. She replied, “No, let’s just see who comes through for me.”

I felt some resistance, but I was happy to do that, knowing that sometimes the person you wish to communicat­e with is not the first to come through — sometimes it’s the strongest personalit­y or the person with the strongest message.

As I closed my eyes for a moment to see who was coming through, I saw a man who began to blend with my energy, and as he came closer and closer, I knew this was a husband coming through. I started to describe how he looked, the color of his hair, what clothes he was wearing, and told Karen how he had passed. I asked Karen if she understood all that I was seeing, and she confirmed that it was her husband. I also could see a father standing behind her husband. Karen’s husband stood by patiently as I gave more evidence until he sent me these thoughts: I love her more today than when I first laid my eyes upon her.

I thought those words were the most beautiful words I had heard from spirit. He showed me his wedding ring and said he would honor his vows and never leave his bride. Karen started to cry, and I didn’t assume why. He stated there were things going on in the home and he wanted her to know there was no pain. I was always taught just to give the words from the spirit world, so I conveyed this to Karen.

She proceeded to tell me she had just been put on hospice and had very much wanted to stay in her home, and she had just been given pain meds. Her husband showed me three people would be around her bed, and two of them would be her daughters and the third someone with whom she had become close. Karen said she had two daughters and that she and her nurse had become close.

She wanted to know who her husband was with and what they were doing, and I proceeded to paint her a picture of her loved ones in heaven. As the reading was winding down, I saw not only her husband standing beside her bed, but Jesus standing with rosary beads in his hand. It was then that Karen told me she had just been given her last rites, and she was indeed Catholic. I took some more time with her, not worrying about the time, and tried to give her a sense of heaven and its beauty and how she would never be alone but would be surrounded by a beautiful white light where her husband would take her hand, and she would not be afraid.

I have never had a reading hurt deep down inside like this one. Karen was ready to go to heaven but had wanted to make sure her husband would be the first person she would see; she loved him with all her heart.

I told her if she needed me, she was welcome to call back at any time, but I knew in my soul that this would be our last conversati­on. Karen said, “Bonnie, could I tell you one more thing? Can I just tell you I love you?”

Tears began to roll down my face as they are now as I write this. Karen, I love you, too.

That was one reading that will forever touch my soul. I hope my words helped in some small way to take away the fear of what she was going through. I cried for three days after that reading. So, Selene, don’t ever take for granted the gifts you have to offer the world. They may mean a great deal to someone you have never met.

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