Sentinel & Enterprise

Capitol Hill mood called toxic and heartbreak­ing

- By Lisa Mascaro

The mood is so bad at the U.S. Capitol that a Democratic congressma­n recently let an elevator pass him by rather than ride with Republican colleagues who voted against certifying Joe Biden’s election.

Republican­s say it’s Democrats who just need to get over it — move on from the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, end the COVID-19 restrictio­ns and make an effort toward bipartisan­ship.

Not yet 100 days into the new Congress, the legislativ­e branch has become an increasing­ly toxic and unsettled place, with lawmakers frustrated by the work-from-home limits imposed by the coronaviru­s and suspicious of each other after the Jan. 6 riot over Donald Trump’s presidency.

Particular­ly in the House, which remains partly shuttered by the pandemic and where lawmakers heard gunshots ring out during the siege, trust is low, settled facts about the riot are apparently up for debate and wary, exhausted members are unsure how or when the “People’s House” will return to normal.

One newer congresswo­man said it’s “heartbreak­ing” to see what has become of the institutio­n she cherished, in the country she has taken an oath to defend from enemies foreign and domestic.

“You know, I do sometimes just close my eyes and, like, picture this place in the way that it used to be, and how welcoming it was,” said Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., first elected in 2018.

An immigrant from Somalia, she said she draws on the coping skills she learned as a child in wartime to enter the razorwire fenced Capitol, now

with armed members of the National Guard, to “try to pretend that that’s not what it is.”

The first months of the year have laid bare the scars from the historic, unpreceden­ted events. The fallout extends far beyond the broken windows and gouged walls of the Capitol to the loss that comes from the absence of usual routines and visitors that were the daily hum of democracy. With virtual meetings and socially distanced votes, lawmakers have fewer opportunit­ies to talk to each other, share ideas and ease fears in the aftermath of the riot.

“The mood is toxic,” said Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill. “I mean, it really sucks to be in the minority, but it’s really worse when there’s just such a high partisan temperatur­e.” It came to a pressure point this past week when a dozen Republican­s voted against awarding the Congressio­nal Gold Medal to law enforcers who defended the Capitol, in part because the resolution mentioned the “insurrecti­onists” who attacked the “temple” of American democracy. Democrats were stunned.

Despite the charged atmosphere, the House is forging ahead with Biden’s agenda, the Democratic majority ushering the $1.9 trillion virus relief bill into law without support from a single Republican. The tensions are delaying, but not stalling, fast action on voting rights, gun background checks and other legislativ­e priorities, but leaving the potential for bipartisan­ship with Biden an open question.

One certainty is that the last president has left an indelible mark on the legislativ­e branch.

Trump’s brand of politics is reshaping the Republican Party as lawmakers mimic his style. GOP lawmakers mostly play down the insurrecti­on as simply a “protest,” even as 300 people have been charged in the attack. Republican­s dismiss the House coronaviru­s restrictio­ns, despite public health guidelines urging vaccinatio­ns, mask-wearing and social distance to prevent another surge.

Rep. Jim Jordan, ROhio, said that at events he attended back home few people wear masks anymore and “the attitude is

it’s time to get back to normal, get back to freedom.”

Leadership sets a tone, and California Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R- Calif., the top Republican in the House, tried to suggest at a recent news conference that the GOP challenges to Biden’s victory were not intended to change the election outcome — despite Trump urging his supporters “fight like hell” on Jan. 6 as lawmakers were certifying the 2020 election results.

Five people died as a result of the attack at the Capitol, including a woman shot by police and a police officer who succumbed later from injuries.

Dozens of lawmakers have tested positive for the coronaviru­s, and two elected officials, both Republican­s, have died from COVID-19, one just before his Jan. 3 swearing-in.

The GOP leader has sent House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D- Calif., a letter saying the House should resume normal operations now that 75% of lawmakers are vaccinated.

Pelosi responded Friday that the goal is “100%” compliance with vaccinatio­ns and social distancing guidelines.

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Andre6 harnik / ap rep. ilh n om r, d-minn., spe ks t news conference on c pitol hill in 6 shington l st month.

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