Sentinel & Enterprise

Lattatu to tca aPitot Thanks for sex ed. report

- — Marisa Fertitta Chelmsford

I wanted to thank you for putting the “Lowell Representa­tive Behind Sex Education Legislatio­n” article in the paper recently. This is a topic I have also cared strongly about since I was in middle school. I’m a second-year college student now, but I wanted to comment on how important I know it is to have proper sexual education in every stage of your life, and how I also agree with this article when it talks about how people do not quite understand that sexual education is certainly more than simply sex.

For example, I have a hormonal disorder called polycystic ovary syndrome and it’s something I have struggled with since I was a child, but wasn’t aware of until my junior year of high school. Had I known that hormones were to blame for my dangerous weight gain, depression, acne, and so many other symptoms, perhaps I would have been able to do what was right for my body sooner. But unfortunat­ely, I didn’t learn much about hormones at all until my high school health class and even then, it was not enough for me to realize that my body was working incorrectl­y.

PCOS is very common among women and also has a very simple explanatio­n to it but it’s not very simple at all when you’re unsure how your own body works. Just because someone explains to you how puberty occurs does not mean that you understand all the functions of your body, and that is dangerous. It has to change.

I think it should also be said that teachers should have a different type of training in this case. Students need to be comfortabl­e enough to ask questions in the classroom, and when you have a teacher who is so obviously uncomforta­ble teaching this subject, it discourage­s students from asking questions. This is not to tear down teachers. I understand how difficult it can be to talk to adolescent­s, but perhaps that means we need to work on changing the narrative. Our bodies should not be an uncomforta­ble topic. And it would be helpful for schools to reflect that in their teachings.

Thank you for including an article like this in the news and normalizin­g the current stigma that is our bodies.

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