Sentinel & Enterprise

Sometimes, the price of the American Dream is not worth it

- By Marc Dion

You could say he fell in the middle of the store because the store is so small that nearly every part of it is in the middle.

But the store is not in the middle of the block. It’s on a corner. Where else would you open what has always and forever been called a “corner store”?

The store sells nothing much that’s good for you, and if it does, that’s not where it makes most of its money.

Baloney. Frozen pizza.

Quarts of that cheap ice cream that’s mostly air. One brand of everything except for the huge array of cigarettes. Candy. A jar full of incense sticks. Soda, the tough full sugar stuff in grape and orange and coconut kind. Nothing much that’s good for you. Mass-produced sugar, salt, tobacco and the long odds lottery ticket called “Set for Life.”

You come to America from another country, shaky hands rolling the dice in your head. You buy one of these stores.

You do 20 years behind the counter, selling sugar, salt, tobacco and long odds lottery tickets, you can wind up half rich, parking a Mercedes out in back of the store.

The guy who owned this store got gunned out a few nights ago by a robber the police say is light-skinned with a tattoo on the back of one hand. Nothing more.

Where did the store owner come from? Does it matter? He had a name you couldn’t pronounce from a country you can’t find on the map.

His name was Lal Kishor Mehaseth. He was 54, a little pudgy. “Lal” is the word in Hindi for the color red. Two customers found him behind the counter. They called 911 and ran. He was dying, then, in a room too small to have a middle or edges.

It’s not much of a story. Happens too often. If you took a map of the United States and put a pin with a red knob on the end in every spot where an immigrant store owner got gunned out, you could close your eyes and run your hand over the map, and it would feel like you were caressing diseased skin.

I didn’t do a lot of my shopping in that store. It’s not like they sold steaks or lettuce or the good ice cream. I bought cigarettes there and grape soda and a popsicle when the weather was hot.

His fingers touched mine, brown on white, and he’d give me back two quarters and a dime in change. He’d say, “Thank you,” and I’d say, “Take it easy.”

The blood was behind the counter, under the rack of lottery tickets, chances at The American Dream.

To find out more about Marc Munroe Dion and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonist­s, visit Dion’s latest book, a collection of his best columns, is called “Devil’s Elbow: Dancing in The Ashes of America.” It is available in paperback from, and for Nook, Kindle and iBooks.

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