Sentinel & Enterprise

Do atmospheri­c events affect mediums differentl­y?

- Bonnie Page

DEAR BONNIE >> Last week, we had an uncommon late-season snow/ice/storm, the next day an earthquake and [this week] an eclipse. My question to you as a medium is, do these atmospheri­c happenings affect you? Do you feel more energy or see more divine activity in your work? I guess I am asking if a medium would feel these happenings in their “center” and if it would affect them when giving a reading. Thanks, Jason DEAR JASON >> We are all energy, and everything in the energetic world can affect all of us. I know a full moon with its intense energy will keep me from sleeping all night. I will meditate before bed to help calm my energy. It is how each of us reacts to certain situations. I know that some people in my own family feel that the last snowstorm hit them hard energetica­lly to the point of being depressed and almost angry. When you expect one thing and get something else, it can throw off your mood, thoughts, and happiness — ultimately affecting your energy. On the flip side, others were elated that they had one more chance to stay home, cuddle up with a book, and enjoy one last snowstorm of the season.

Given the fact that we are all made up of energy centers called chakras and that many events and situations can affect these centers, the weather and atmospheri­c changes can affect many people.

Could these atmospheri­c changes potentiall­y affect a medium’s “center” and their abilities during readings? I believe that if a medium is adept at “centering” their energy and grounding themselves to Mother Earth, their readings will remain unaffected. Personally, when I feel energetica­lly off, I seek assistance from my spirit team to ensure the quality of my mediumship readings for that day would not be affected.

The veil between the two worlds is thinner than at other times, such as Halloween. I would not believe this if I did not know this to be true, but I know without a doubt that delivering messages gets easier as the veil gets thinner and thinner.

ith more people tuning into their spiritual side and higher consciousn­ess, messages from the other side will become easier to access and more attainable for all of us. Mediums will know how to adjust to these changes, and any time should be a suitable time to seek guidance and messages from the other side without the worry that the medium’s “center” is going to be affected by the astrologic­al events in the world.

If you feel your energy is off during these times, seek out a meditation for grounding and centering your energy centers, and this should help any feeling of unrest while making you feel secure.

Bonnie Page is a Psychic Medium and Reiki Master. If you would like your question answered in Bonnie’s Column, please send it to bonnie@bonniepage­ If you would like more informatio­n about Bonnie, please visit her website, www.bonniepage­

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