Serve Daily

Ready or Not

You Can Only Be Generous If You Have Something To Be Generous With

- By Dawn Von Nosdol

On the news a while back, the reporter talked about a local radio station and the local food bank coming together for a food drive. They were asking for people to donate food to feed local families that didn’t have enough to eat, as shelves were bare.

The part of the story that made me choke up a bit was when they talked about two homeless men that were walking by and saw the signs advertisin­g the food drive. They both stopped and one of the men started fishing around in his bag and pulled out a can of tuna and then placed it as the first item in what later became about of mile worth of food all lined up on the street heading for the capital.

This man, who I’m sure knows something about hunger, was concerned about others not going hungry and so he generously shared the little bit that he had – possibly all that he had.

So many things can happen that can shake your world and put you in a situation where you may fall on hard times or lose your income earning ability. So, put away for a rainy day. Get out of debt, put some money aside, and for goodness sake, work on building your food storage.

I can’t imagine not having enough food storage to see me and my family through a disaster, or at least lift the burden a bit – and maybe even be able to share with a stranger.

You eat the food storage one bite at a time, but you can build it one can or case at a time. All it takes is determinat­ion and focus. So focus and maybe you can be generous someday.

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