Serve Daily

The Patriot Within

- By Lyman Morris

Across the worlds vast expanse, in a land I’ve never known

A cry goes out for freedom and a grieving earth will groan.

Two thoughts expressed, opposing views, and neither one backs down

The conflict only escalates as children’s faces frown.

It’s far away I tell myself, there is no need to stew

This spat’s between two foreign folks and not at home with you.

But alas a letter comes, that says you’ve been called up

To march into this foreign land and taste this bitter cup.

A hundred thoughts go in and out and none stay in my mind

Do I want the life ahead of me, or the one I’ll leave behind?

My life has value does it not? Or so I would believe.

To loose it in some foreign land would but myself deceive.

And what about that other chap, who’s giving up his all?

Is not he just as nervous to fill the patriot’s call?

Does his life have less value, is he a lesser soul?

Will killing him secure my place and help me reach my goal?

Wading through confusing thoughts, I only feel blind.

No mater how I twist it, I have no peace of mind.

And as my tears run down my face and as they hit the floor

I realize the ugliness created by a war.

In my self-inflicted torture, I plead for God to hear my voice.

Please help me with this problem, please help me with my choice.

As I sit in contemplat­ion, I let my mind be still.

I beg for his assurance, and how to know His will.

Then warmth begins to fill me and I feel His love draw near.

His voice is but a whisper, but it comes through very clear.

“I too have walked the road your on, you’re not alone my son.

Do I love the ones that hate me or answer with a gun?

First let me state I’ll love you, no mater what you choose.

For in life’s toughest lessons there is no way to lose.

You may go back in learning, you may stumble you may fail,

But I’ll always be beside you, just a whisper through the veil.

I will not make the choice for you, for this I cannot do.

I can only give you options, the rest is up to you.

But here is how to judge it, which choice gives off more light?

The one that loves and blesses or the one that says to fight?

You see I made this choice myself, as a soldier lost his ear.

It changed two lives forever as I healed him without fear.

You can be the one that blesses life or the one that lets it go.

And that still small voice inside you will always let you know.

So know again I love you, and your “enemy” as well.

We’re all one family with God, even those who’ve chosen Hell.

Your example will enlighten and keep a world from sin

If you choose to always follow, The Patriot Within.

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