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Dating photos by type, clothing

- By Ginny Ackerson

Doyou have photos that aren’t labeled or dated and you are trying to guess when the pictures were actually taken and who is in them? Determinin­g the type of photo and knowing about clothing styles and hairdos of the time will help narrow down the time period so you can possibly identify the people. of the subjects. Is there a central part in

First, determine the type of photo you the hair or a shiny look to it? Are the skirts have. Ambrotypes are on a glass plate and full and the collars a different color than have depth similar to a 3D look. They the bodice? Many excellent articles have were most popular from 1855 to 1861 but been written on determinin­g dates from were available from 1854 to 1865. The the subject’s costume. Daguerroty­pe was the first imaging available, The following are some of the best: coming into vogue in 1839 and stopping http:// www. olivetreeg­enealogy. com/ about 1860 with peak popularity between photos/fashions-photos.shtml and http:// 1842 and 1856. They are shiny with www. fashion- era. com/ Dating_ Costume_ a copper colored back and the image canHistory_ Pictures/ how_ to_ date_ only be viewed from an angle. The Tintype photograph­s_top.htm and http://www. was first available in 1856 but continued sheknows. com/ living/ articles/ 814584/ through the early 20th century as a genealogy-research-dating-vintage-photograph­snovelty available at fairs and exposition­ It was most used from 1860 to 1870. A On a personal note, I have again been blackened iron plate was the medium and selected as a RootsTech Ambassador and a magnet will stick to it. have been given the opportunit­y to give

The last two types of photos are the away a full tuition for the RootsTech Family Carte de Visite and the Cabinet Card. The History Conference, the largest family former is on a thin card about 2.5 inches history conference in the world, taking by 4 inches which was introduced in 1859 place on Feb. 8-11, 2017, at the Salt Palace. and was prevalent from 1860 to 1880, declining in use by 1889. The Cabinet Card If you are interested, send me an email was fashionabl­e from 1875 to 1900 and at groovifami­ with “RootsTech was launched in 1866 and discontinu­ed by Free Tuition” in the subject line and 1903. These photos were on cards about 4 include your contact informatio­n. The inches by 6.5 inches. prize will be drawn on Nov. 15 and the

Next, note the clothing and hairstyles winner will be notified that day.

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