Shelby Daily Globe

Jackson Township Trustees met in January to discuss recent updates


The Jackson Township Trustees met last month on January 17 with members Mark Wright, Kevin Alt, Greg Vogt, and Marty Penwell in attendance. Other people present included Kurt Stumbo and J.R. Rice. Besides the regular business and approval of the last meeting minutes and financial report, purchase orders and vouchers were presented for approval and payment.

Special reports included zoning and road reports. In terms of zoning, Nationwide Permitting contacted them about 3363 St. Rt. 39 for a PV solar system on the roof of a Jackson Twp. resident. The Richland County Building and Codes office was emailed.

Road reports include putting a new hose and wand on the pressure washer, working on the new electric salt spreader, jetting tile on Holtz Road, taking dirt to London Cemetery for a grave, patching holes and leveling the township parking lot, putting up a new “stop sign ahead” sign on Laser Road, Core Security working on the outside camera, plowing and salting township roads, and getting the cemetery software back up and running.

Resolution 2023-2 was then presented and approved appointing J.R. Rice as the Zoning Inspector. Mark Wright motioned to approve and Kevin Alt seconded. Public input from J.R. Rice brought news that there is an opening on the Richland County Solid Waste Management Authority since he retired and would like to have someone from the township replace him. Kurt Stumbo thanked Alt for donating another flag to the township.

Both Alt and Wright had new business to share with the trustees. Alt shared that he spoke with Brian Alt about the open position on the Board of Zoning Appeals. Brian said he would talk with the other members and ask for suggestion­s.

Alt then presented a quote from Finnegan Painting to paint the walls, ceilings, trim, and both restrooms in the meeting room of the township building. The quote is for $2,200 which includes all paint, labor, and materials to complete the project. Wright motioned to accept this quote and Vogt seconded, it passed. Finally, Wright motioned to give Stumbo a clothing allowance of $750. Vogt seconded and it passed.

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