Siloam Springs Herald Leader




1. Capital of Tunisia

6. Gumshoe

9. “____, over here”

13. #18 Across, alt. sp.

14. Busy one

15. Misreprese­nt

16. “____ One” on a ticket

17. ____ ____ mode

18. Become hardened to

19. *Pinching crustacean

21. *SquarePant­s

23. *Female #19 Across

24. Frigid shipping hazard

25. Medicinal baths locale

28. Microsoft browser

30. Peter of Peter, Paul and Mary

35. Stay out of its way!

37. Like word of mouth

39. Truth, in the olden days

40. American Society for Clinical Investigat­ion

41. *a.k.a. solvent of life

43. Title for Turkish leader

44. Woodwind mouthpiece­s

46. Large, prefix

47. Alexander Hamilton vs. Aaron Burr, e.g.

48. Alaskan archipelag­o

50. Agitate

52. Before, in verse

53. Fire starter, in a pinch

55. Lamb serving

57. *Star of Raffi’s song

60. *Where ocean meets river

64. Not a trick

65. Boozehound

67. It is best not mentioned

68. Eagle’s nest

69. Grass bristle

70. Japan to U.S. in WW2

71. Gwyneth, for short

72. Actress ____ Thompson

73. Official state sport of Wyoming DOWN

1. *Ocean color, bluish green

2. Ctrl + Z

3. Like after a novocaine shot

4. March marchers

5. Parlor piece

6. Alpine transport

7. *Snake-like fish

8. ____-fire

9. Teller’s partner

10. Terrestria­l gastropod

11. Make children

12. Kickoff prop

15. Methane

20. Furnish with a fund

22. Be nosy

24. “Egg ____,” egg substitute

25. *Thresher ____

26. Promenade in Spain

27. Formed a curve

29. SI unit of mass

31. Beatles’ “Abbey ____”

32. “____ One: A Star Wars Story”

33. Not the same one

34. *Giant mammal

36. Calf-length skirt

38. Toy block

42. Train runners

45. “Yes, Sir!” gesture

49. Party barrel

51. It’s “sealed with a kiss”

54. Like allergy spray

56. *Excrement of sea birds

57. Tea or beer

58. Strange and spooky

59. Been in bed

60. Volcano in Sicily

61. Tucked in

62. Capital of boot-shaped country

63. Walk-the-dog toy

64. “You’re it” game

66. Be obliged

 ??  ??

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