Siloam Springs Herald Leader



Jessica Aldridge’s second grade class

Dear Santa,

What I whont for Christmas is a hugging munkey and a dall whith a face huvear bard and I whont is is too stufft anemel huskeys and 20 Collers so I can by my frend a present.



Dear Santa,

I wunt a hvovrbrd plees I been rile good. I help clen the living room. Plees Plees Plees Plees Plees I been rile rile rile good and I wunt a BrBey Clos Plees and I wunt a tablit and now Clos and i wunt a Now locr book that his all your srecrets plees For all thos thing I Love you Santa so so much Love,

Frum Kensie

Dear Santa,

I wont a Box oh Pokemon. I want ret to have a good chirsas. eif and cards. monay. for theit fieoler and roblox fieoer. xbox gams. mareo mater x. fat pie bank a noter berdid dragin.



Dear Santa,

I have not had a merdock in 7 years. I love you santa. Love,


Dear Santa,

I want a now taBlit because my littl brother and sister broke it. and I want a now Bike because my Dad ran ovry it with his trutch. and I want a nother druf Please can youe’r evs make it. I also want a tow Santa.


Dannie Jo

Dear Santa,

I do we bring prestent and is For happy brtase that mI pesnin Santa are you rold and roodoF say Yes or No goof a smy yool her I willd show you How to make smy yool EC trhit sibe way mahee unsigned

Dear Santa,

Can I please have 2 hamsters. and laigies mantion 3 only for nitendo switch please and can I please help you dilver prenents! Love,


Dear Santa,

I have been good this year I will want a havaward, xbox looojs, gift card, Fortnite Fugre and a Roblox Fiugre, Mario Maker 2, bearded dragon, and thats all! Love,


Dear Santa,

I want a pente set a new print my sesersback and a book cace Love,


Dear Santa,

I have been good this year, and What I Want is a Winnie Puppy for Christmas or an elf on the shelf if I don’t get one or the other I whould like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

P.S. I believe in that you are real the reason I am saying this is cause some people don’t believe in you But I do!



P.S. One thing I love you!

I want to give you money Santa!

Dear Santa,

For Chritmas I want a teal bean bag and a teal Hoverboard and a Mermaid costom with a tail. and a teal bear a teal rug teal shoes teal bow teal pants the Candy locks Pixy bells, the teal balowns a teal Bike. a whit bunny. teal wig Rainbows Surpris.



Dear Santa,

I want my Dogs health she is one of my most favrit things on earth and she is verry speshel to me. She was the verry firs pet I have ever got I Love her so much and want her to be able to walk by herself. I want a flip back pack that has S on it.



Dear Santa,

Bike, lucn box, water bottle, back colerbook



Dear Santa,

Stave hovr bord slime w weveslvs lithap case chaclit sata cstom plastashon 3 ps4 sivtioli Love,


Dear Santa,

I want Luigi mansion 3 for nintento stictch and for me to see odin again. I want the three in one carnival lego set. And I type of robot. and a merry Christmas! Love,


Dear Santa,

I want a LOL doll and stuff for school, and drawing stuff & me squeare stuff & pencils. Love,

Aspen J.G.

Dear Santa,

Der Satu

I beu good gro

I be Wone the fouLoti I Wotu bobetrehah­s banahahoml ban uprosendeT­res

I Wil give you Milc and cooces. Love,


Dear Santa, all this is i whant for crismas is a Bag of hershy Drops and an iPod and a nerf minigun Also a good present will you give me an Elf to Prove your rell, i Also whant a seires of Books the something story tree hanse also a nut craker and a Berded Dragon and 10,000 Dollors to spend Also all the i survived Books, crismas Luck, a nintendo swich with Luweges mantion 3, the new Dog man and thats my Crismas List to Santa. Love,


Dear Santa,

What I want is a fone and a combook and a TV and a candy and a Toy dragin and a waffle maker and a toy truck and a toy shark. Love,


Chelsea Chandler’s second grade class

Dear Santa, hou are you doing this Yerer I whnt my buther to come for chrismas a nrer gun.



Dear Santa,

I want a hat I want a macup set I want a box I want 8 books and 11 paper boxes and 400 hundred pesis of paper.



Dear Santa,

I will pickup your croms. I want a fitbit and a minyfrig. thankyou. From,


Dear Santa,

I hope you are having a grate year at the northpoll. What I want for Chirismas is a town and it has 70 LOL supris doll things and a omg LOL.



Dear Santa,

I hope you are doing good giving gifts to Boys and girls and I want from you is a heverbord and a slime kit and a art stoudo Thank you Santa.



Dear Santa, for crismis I wud wot a r.c. cor. for crismis I haved luvd sinse I was a kid.



Dear Santa,

I wont a rse car. and a ril Tmine Chahsraall. and a mileng hot wiLs.



Dear Santa,

I love you I want to go to the north pole and see you I want you to breang me. I want a apple walch and iPhoneX and a big hot wheel track. Love,


Dear Santa,

How was this year. I hope you had a grat year. I would like a unicorn braslit and a unicorn necles. Can I allso have fac nels. and a tedy bear a white tedy bear. And a apple whach and a apple tablet and a apple phone.



Dear Santa,

I don’t know what I want for christmas yet. I have been very good this year. How has your year been.



Dear Santa,

I want a doll hoes with some dols and a makeup kit plese and I cant wate in till it is crimis eve I love what presints yea give me it is so much fun to play with them and one of the presints you gave me was a T.V. and you gave me a rupunsl Baby doll and when you come to are hoes and make shore you put a lot of candy in my stocking and a peis for my brother Dominic and stay helthy and worm you have big days uhed of you. I will see you next year big red by.



Dear Santa, how are you Santa I wish for a appl watch and a LOL big Sistru and a muney and a Shuss how has your yeay been.



Dear Santa,

I hope you are ok. this years I whant a Pokemon Book with MooytooB and all the rer Pokemons in it. and candy plese. From,


Dear Santa,

Do you like teaching raindeer to fly? I want a peguin from the north pole:) I really want a familly gift for the hole familly. that is I can think of I want for Chrismes:). From,


P.S. I want the familly gift to be a suprise.

Dear Santa,

I want a lot of things on my list so please get them all for me. I am going to name 5 things on my list. What the 5 things are 5 LOLS, 60 twistey pets, 100 papers and 100 shopkins. Oh and I have also been good-ish this year.



Dear Santa,

How are you this year I am good. I wunt a lot of nerf guns, and I wunt some fortnite figers, some candy plese !!!!!!



Dear Santa,

I really won’t a fortnite RL means rocket laucher nerf gun please? and some pokemon cards gx or ex sets please. And some fortnite acshon figer meadpom please. Last I really need is some new nintendo switch handllsy. And some candy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please.



Dear Santa,

How is your weak end. I want super smash brothers on my 3DS and a PS4.



Dear Santa,

I hope you are doing well. I wish for a nintindo switch and a apple walch and a merry christmas hope you get all the pesents there. love anson.



Dear Santa,

I want a reall sewing mashean and I want a big magnifine glass to look at rocks with. By the way are you doing good this year. From,


Dear Santa,

I want a skooter and a wakytoky. and a how are you doing this year From,


Jill Hartman’s second grade class

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the tablit that you got me last year and can you git me a Hoverbord also you are the best becusa you give pepol pesints and I will git cookis for you becusa I now that you like cookis and the other reason I’am giting cookis is becusa you are the best.



Dear Santa,

Thank you for all the pr. how is the randears are going for christmas I what zdin fozzen lagos with Ana and elsa. I What a fed hat with white a red dress with white. black shoos.



Dear Santa,

Thank you for giving me that Mice Maws and can I have a hotweels set like big plees plees began you and I need hedfonse plees. From,


Dear Santa,

Thank you for the presents you gave me last year. The 3 things I want for Christmas is a SpongeBob Bad neighbors Mega Bloks Set and a chinese Lego Minecraft Steve and a Lego SpongBob Krusty Crab Set.



Dear Santa,

Theke you for the prusins dow you cokes and milk can I gee rodof I waat a resupe Book I need more Books. Love me. From,


Dear Santa, thank you all that you do for us all roodoof I love him. Wut rile wot from is a car.



Dear Santa,

Thank-you so much for last year I Love me prezint I wish for a pupes an a vitbit and hihils and tinaj clos. Love Santa



Dear Santa,

Thank you for all you wrok. For Christmas I will want a blue silme. Nexst I will want some knew class zise 8. Then I will want a toy for my brother. After I will want a Jeffe pupet. And I will want a knew blaket. Last I will want a pink slime for my siset.



Dear Santa,

Thank you for the presens. how is the randere. tablit and a rootbere mushen And a mineeefrid­ge And a kide cmaro. And a kide truck. And a kide dodge chrdger.



Dear Santa, thank you for all of the presents. I need new shoes. I want a new Phone just like my old one because my mom had took my phone beacdus there phones broke.



Dear Santa, thank you Santa for the prests hall is reof the randr I wot a rscor and clos and a new exbox can I have a rass chhak can I have a r8ex car. From,


Dear Santa,

I need paints for Chrismas and shirts for chrismas and I wont a phone for chrismas Pokemon cards for Christmas. From,


Dear Santa,

Thank you for the gifs last year. for Chrishmas I want minny brands and lol doll and I need socks shirts pants and shose and thats all I need.



Dear Santa,

Thank you for all of the candy. And I need shoos pleas and thank you. I want Cloud Slim. pleas and thank you. how are you doing? From,


Dear Santa, thank you for my bike last year and I realy want a tiperider and a i need a new jacket this yar. From,


Dear Santa,

Thank you for the gifts how are the rendeer going i want shoes i need new hudy and close. From,


Dear Santa,

Thank you for my Xbox and I want calldute model wartar for crismis and I need a cre and I waht a tablet for crismis.



Dear Santa,

Thank you for the nrfgon how wus the bay bowing I wot a golbniju Ligos



Dear Santa,

Thank you for a good Christmas I want 8 v Bucks and all of the fortnight skin,s and Lego,s and iPhone $1,0000 real From,


Dear Santa,

Thank you for the christmas that you gave me are the randeers okay? I want close and boots I need a jacket and shose. From,


Dear Santa,

Thank you for gift and the prassints to thank you Santa for evry thing! How is Rootof and the dandair. I want slime and I need some close!



Dear Santa, Thank-you give anez is iyichu u mare trm, wuta dud gum and tkoresu dod bol shu 2 Pane Saknimichr­elioj eschasikbl­uz. From,


Dear Santa,

Santa I hop you hav a rgt als I Ms G Santa Minoints Santa I luv you Santa



Dear Santa,

I need a book, a second grade book because I lost mine :( And I want the toy poopsie Slime. because I never played with it. Thats it. Thank you Santa!



Dear Santa,

I want a puppy. Clothes for my puppy. And shose. From,


Stacy Honea’s second grade class

Dear Santa,

What do you do at the workshop how is roodof. dasner are thay good. What I whont is a phone and a Blak case. Makap brushes. 15 LOL dolls. and a Puppy girl. Maddie

Dear Santa, har hehe stuf can i get

I get wete foer sckll i wut Loge i wut a. Lechsluth i wut the ni clcshi of pocknon i wut the blaesh in oemagie crds i wut aexBoxs i wut the hluechs of here potr. Love,


Dear Santa,

Santa why do you have majick randeer? I hope you and Mrs Closs have a good Christmas. In a cupll weaks we will sing a song about you’er randeer I wish you cud woch us sing our five song’s but if you can not come it is ok I doant mind. I hope I can go to eat bredfts wito you. Have a good chritmas. For christams I want a roudot tighgr and colre the roadot dog.



Dear Santa,

Do you isesi. Was I gva? This year I learned that Pepi tocke picturs uv snow. I wunt a crimu. is it colld at the nrth pull.



Dear Santa,

Dear Santa do you have rudoff? We Love rudoff fire mutch will you see yse I mis you vere mutch Santacloss. do you have a doter or sun? Santacloss do you have a wife. I love you. I bin good for school I love my techer. hoow do you Like how miny wisdo you have. I Love my sister wut animll do you like do you like crismis crismis is my fradrit hallday. Love,


Dear Santa,

How long have you been in the Santa bisness? How much raniedeer do you have? Are STEAM techers and Mrs. Honea and all of the other tehers are helping us to learn so much. This year I want a merry chresmess for every body. Love,


Dear Santa,

How wre you made like Santa. Dear Santa how do you do in the northpol or how do you live in the northpol and how an war do you get the tows and I frgot what I wont and shevee wen I growe up but for rinow is my famlee. Love Santa,


Dear Santa,

Do you like rander to ride your slay? In 2nd grade I was the first star student, I had perfikt atendinds. What I want for crismas is the lol surprise winter disco, Amazing surprise lol surprise and a ipad. You are so so cool. For my brother what he wishes. For my family what they wish they had. Love,


Dear Santa, win wre you born wre you born dsebr secit. I wont the Branyo iphone alevin and the nyo erpos with no wires.



Dear Santa,

What made you Santa Claus? Why wold you want to be Santa Claus? What i want for citrismas. What I want is a Babyedoll for citrismas but I just hope we sellabrate Jesases brday too. my year has b een a litale good and a litole bad too. I just want to say thank you for being thank fall to me and my family and my clas famly even Mrs. Honea also I irend so much today we all made maltens all the othre days we still iren so much.



Dear Santa,

I have a quesion. Would you put someone on the Gad List if thay see you in the night? I felt exited to go back to Gus fiften to meet my frends again. also my things for Chrismas I am woried you are not going to get what I want. For Christmas I want a big truck. Love,


Dear Santa,

How do the randeaerse fly? My year was good. For crismes I want a fire truk and poles car and a phone.



Dear Santa,

What do you do Santa? My year has bene good alot. What do I want? I want to get a lot of LOL dollis and winter disco OMG’s and a asome LOL serprise and more but that is on a nother list. Love,


Dear Santa, how many pets do you have. I have been good this year. is the raindear ok and good. Can I have a drone and a LOL and a real kitten and a real puppy and a yo-yo and a magic tree house Book #lol please



Dear Santa,

How many raindeer do you have? I bin vary good at school and doing what I’m suposed to do I help arond the house. for Christmas I wont something like I cold work whith my hand and making cool things whith art and that is what I wont for Christmas marry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

Santa do you hav kids? I have had a rily good year Santa! Santa I want the coolist fake gun in the world and I want a cool bike and this is the last thang I want it is a new gun again!



Dear Santa,

Can you send all this stuff to me. But first I want to tell you about my school year. So I’ve got some notes home a noty boy. But as soon as I come back to school each day I started to do beder. Now finally I just want to tell you about I want. So I want a few GX Pokemon and I want a drone. And I also want a hover board. And I also want a big race track. But their is one more thing I want a big giant lego set.



Dear Santa,

What is the gatiste thing about Christmas my year was good and I was good at schooll I want comeputere and a bike and rolerskats­e and a laptop.



Dear Santa,

Is it Chrouwe that you liv at the northpole I wus ciduv gude and bad I wote a tallit.



Dear Santa,

Hi! I have a question: What is it like up there in the North Pole? Is it cold? I am writing to you from Allen Elementary, my school. It’s pretty great here, I learned a whole lot! Oh, and what I want for Christmas, I’m not sure. Basicly all I want is a surprise!



Dear Santa,

Why does rootoff not help the slay fly? My year been so good. how has your’s been bad or good like mine? I wish for a playstasio­n 4 Please. I been wanting for a long time.



Dear Santa, how meny elfs are at the north polle? I was so so good this year my teacher or mom did not have to yell at me. I wan’t this thang colld bledinger and it is so so cool.



Dear Santa, thak you for rcink I din god this year do you No wut I want well is gowen to dey is a milkmashen and sedess for my milkmashen and a fon and stuff wut to gev my. Love,


Dear Santa,

What do you do in the north pole? My year is going pretty good because my friend’s are good to me and my teacher is! My mommy get’s to see us every Saterday. I would want to get a laptop because my dream was to have a laptop.



Dear Santa,

How ar yow? I am gud. I wnt a bablod and IEgos. mare crisms. Love,


Sandra Kidd’s second grade class

Dear Santa, how are you doing Santa am I on the good list or bad list? I wish I had a trampalean



Dear Santa,

I hope you have been getting more cookies and milk, am I on the good or bad list? do your raindeer still have their power to fly? how is mrs. clous.



Dear Santa,

How are you doing and Miss Claus doing and you i hope you are good how is the reindeer doing. I want a campl



Dear Santa, how are you doing this year am i on the good list or nauty list. can i have a bone shaker monster truck that is over 2 feet long From,


Dear Santa,

I hope you haove been getng more cookies and milk am I on the good or bad list? do your raindeer fly in outer space?



Dear Santa,

I been good this year and it is nice of you giving preants of peple on the nice list but am I on the nice list? I hope I am it is your choice. How are Mrs. Claus and the Raindeer. bye Santa have a time traveling back to your home.

Merry Christmas Santa From,


Dear Santa,

I hope that none of your rein deer is sick. how is Mrs. Claus doing? Santa how are you doing? Do you put blanket on the reindeer? Can I get L.O.L., Pikini Pop and Play-Doh if i’m good?



Dear Santa, how is missis clous? are the reindeers practising to fly? why do you like cookies and milk? I want for christmas is sand and a puppy. From,


Dear Santa, how are you dooing. well what I wat for chrimis eve is a foxy plush and freddy plush and bone plush. I wot chica plush



Dear Santa,

Hi are the reinder getting redey for crismes. I have ben good and I want a hedset.



Dear Santa,

How are you? Is misses claus doing good? I hope you ready because I want a RC car if Im on the good list. thank you.



Dear Santa,

I hope i am on the good list i hope the reindeer are doing good this yare and i want a havai boare and a nerf funs dirtbike.



Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claws doing. am i on the good list or bad list. i wish i can see the norf pool. i want a lol toy. a tablit too. and a math toys. I love you santa.



Dear Santa, how is Mis. clous doing? What is it like in the nothpl? Santa am I on the good list or bad list? If I am on the good list I what a LOL and OMG doll.



Dear Santa,

I think I am on the good list. can I have a big stufft rabbit. and can your reindeer still fly. do you still have Komit is mrs. claus good. From,


Dear Santa,

Hos Mises Clos. Why do you like cookes so much. I have ben a good littl girl. Am I on the good list. If it is not to much to ask for may I have a big unicorn.



Dear Santa,

I’ve be’n really good. I asked my my mom What i could help with So am I on the good list or the bad list? If i’m on the good list I want: treasure X DRAGON’s gold! From,


Dear Santa,

I hope that you rae feeling good. I hope that ime on the nise list. I donot wuet to Be on the note list. From,


Dear Santa,

I hop you are ok and I hop miss closs is ok to. I’m on the bad lest Santa don’t five me presentes. If I get presentes I wat pokeon. I’m am 8 years old.



Dear Santa,

Hello Mrs. and Ms clause how are you I hope your great. I have a Questuin for you do you still have roudoph the raindeer? I want a Paino and spy gear and i want it real. 2 and am i on the nothy or nice list?



Dear Santa,

Im I bin on the bad list or the gud list I wunt a erc cer and a big plastic rampe and a bick and a is roodof the red noz rader. From,


Melinda Mathe’s second grade class

Dear Santa,

How are your rander? I wld like a bike for Christmas. I wld also like some choclit. Thank you very much.

Love, Daneichka

Dear Santa,

I wish a macup kit. I want a scodr that trns in a bike a and a new braslet that is a crle baslit I wont a new pupe dod I wont a new phone and nay one rip stik

Love, Audree

Dear Santa,

Can I please have a barbe dream house, some camre films and al ot of lps pleee please?

I want a lot of lps cuz I had one but lost it. Ayla gave me one but I painted it and I did not like it so through it away. Ive always wanted barbe dream house. I need more camra films. Hey santa what are all youre raindeers names? Love Emelia

Dear Santa,

I want a dogman book please. An can I hqave a ruby an a jems. An can I have a pokemon stuft animal. Pleas sabta. Can I new shuse. Pleas an a nutundo switch.

Love, Rafael

Dear Santa,

I rilly want a pet dragen that lite blue. I awso want my dragon to have all the elumits in the world. Wll why? Becus I want to ride on the dragons back and I ran fly every wair I want

Love, Jacob

Dear Santa,

I want a toy train olso I wuld lik a toy ship cen I haf afiyng airship? Do you like pirate ship? Love, Glenn

Dear Santa,

Santa now do you make are toys. I think ist iihs inposlible becayse toys are hard to put to together because the feels hard and their cool I want to have a robot that can fly in the sky that can have a force fella but not a real forcekeild on my robot and a hethr toy it’s a shark that can bloe a man Love, Zaiden

Dear Santa,

Is ruduff real haw dus rudoff nose lite up? Santa I want a slelly thege for the elfs to do santa I will make your favor cookies patty fell cuz my beby kettin notti patty dyon I see that you sent a card santa have I bin good this year?

Love, Meghana

Dear Santa,

I want a elf on the shelf let me know if om good. I wanding how are you. I want a teddy bear and a prank box. I want a white bord. I want a chromebook and posese doll. I want a drum.

Love, Sui May Xiong

Dear Santa,

Can I have please can I have some monkybars and a ps4. I forgot what all of yer raindeers are called? So can you tell me? And I want some more controlrs. Santa how old are you? My inportint thing is my faverit cusin to come back thank you

Love, Tyson

Dear Santa,

I want a phone and headphones squoshy clechen a toy scollbox the new iphone and xbox 360 and a tv and a amecendoll cat a relly rell car ipod ipad applewach close skcugee lo of them book lols a new drawing book.

Love, Melinda

Dear Santa,

Can I please have a amarican girl doll and a lol doll also a toy Rudolph and a mini camra ambe even a cristmas pjs and a pack of candy canes and a glitter hair wig Love, Shylah

Dear Santa,

Can I pleas hav a dird bike and a fule color Nintendo do ou hav a eletrict skatebored and a hores and phone and ex box 10 skate bord and a dinsy plus and a bating cage derpod apple watch huver bord and a cunputer a halavidyo game and a ps for

Love, Kade

Dear Santa,

I want for Christmas a new Nintendo becayse I don’t have one. Next I want iphone 11 pro. I also want a x box to play on I wan a nother thing a play staison and a little card for a Nintendo. Next apple watch a hover bord soccer uniform from real marid

Love, james

Dear Santa,

Do you have a raindeer name rodoff the rednois raindeer why dus he have a nois he looks cool and smort santa did you mayriy mrs claws? What your real name Love, Landon

Dear Santa,

I wit a fone and apl woch. And a lot of cristis and a litl gbl and a micufonean­d a nifeshrpin­n and a big stuff animl puppy sum mor gams for my nintindo.

Love, Logan

Dear Santa,

Do you have more than nine raindear? What I would like for cristmas in my stocking I wold like a lot of cool rock like a sasafire. I wold like a bmx bike and a basketball hoop and a strong skateboard. I would also like a elf on the shelf. I would like a polar express train camini train with tracks do you like pie?

Love, William

Dear Santa

This is what I whant for Christmas a rock tumble marble-tawer gemstone nentedo , elf costom. And that is all.

Love, Olivia Grace

Dear Santa,

I want vbeck bre jack rist bands I want beck bro jack shirts I want beck bro jack swetters I want vanilla mincraft and I want any tipe of rocks pleas and I want a bebe gun and I whan the raspberry pie and I want a Nintendo 64 and the fortnite game and I want a computer and I want a Nintendo game cube pleas and I want Mario party and Mario odoseey and I want super odmas brose altamanti Love, Eli

Dear Santa,

I want a big elf stuffed anmail. Can your elfs make that? I also want monny pless. Is are stat arkensa first. Or an ather stat is first. One more thang I want a tv in my oon room pless pless pless Love, Bailey

Dear Santa, I wont a mufbud I love scaing haw do youdot fol a sleg? And skax 3 ples. Wut dos it fel like up ther. Wus yrou fofret but my is baby monkey private eye. Hav a mre cresmes.

Love, Tanner

Dear Santa,

Please can I have two elmers what if boxes and any kitten thngo and maby a real cat too. I would also like $167 like candy too maby a diary too and a modle of disny land and any single thing in the world. Love, Alice

Dear Santa,

I wont a bike and a prinsess set with crawn and a dres. I olso need a new colr for my dog. I omoste frgot a sam brbese with different close for them and sum close for my sestr hows 13.

Love, Isabella

Dear Santa,

I want sonic mega collection sonic 3 cardge for saga geniss Nintendo 64 mario party 4,5,6.

Love, Quentin

Ashley McKelvy’s second grade class

Dear Santa,

I have been a relly good gril this yere. For christmas I want just tow thing for christmas. I want a pajoma lama pickmepop and a flip pick me pop ples and thak you Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I’m going to tell you want for chrimiss. First I want a huverbord. Next I want a pick me pop. Then I want twisty pet. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I won a dall set. a flip pelo. and another ball and a pand shirt and neklis.



Dear Santa,

I what a kitty and a pupy, and a dot of chapter books., an a pompom, But not that much, an a troll clecksher, an a whell chaire that is fluffy and a tabllet, and elf on a shelf, and a doll house. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I allways wanted a I phone 7 and a car that you can control with a remote then I want a laptot a soccer ball and some football cards and a pare of shoes.



Dear Santa,

I been thanking I willy willy whont the new LoL super AmaSing. Amasing Spris. And I willy, willy, willy wont a hamstr I pomis I take car of him an do good i school. and mackup.



Dear Santa,

May you tell your elfs to get me a tableit and a doll and a lot’s of toys. And I want a smart phone like a iPhone7. I want a laptop. And I want my own TV. I also want a big coloring book. I want my own bouncy house. I also want a unucorn. I want some Ryan toys. I want a lots and lots and lots and lots of toys.



Dear Santa,

I am nise dis year. I want a tablit and a new shoos. and Fifa20. and a soccr boll.



Dear Santa,

I want a nerf s-pl and Hot wheel super loop set. And I want magic b-1 sports and I want a I phone 11 era. And I want a nerf fortnit scar. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

Twisty pet Santa toy and I wont in soft and a toy car makeup taetable JoJo hoose bed and Love thank you.



Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl this yere. I whold like a amakacen girl Blair. I whold also like a pajama lama pickmipop and a Buble gum pickmipop. and a cotin candy pickmipop. Pless and thank you. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I woulde like a big bindr of Pokemon but make them gxes eses megas and cambow rares and a mini bindr to full of these to. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I want a xbox and mine craft Lego set and call of duty madin war fer the new one. I phone 11 max and a tablit and a nerf miny gun. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I wish for the golden scar Nerf gun and a forwheeler. And the traticil shutgun Nerf gun and Nerf guns. And PS4 with fortnite and call of dutty wiiu with Mincraft. And a Nietendo Switch with marieo kart 8. Lugi’s manchan 3.

Sincerely, Carlos

Dear Santa, im sorry for what i done but i will fix every thing ive done but i will help pepel and this is what i whant Luigi’s mamchin3 toy and the game and king size hershey motersikle toy that i can ride on. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I wut a thax wik I wish a pokemans and dtlhow yit I wish fur Pest four Wles and funt Pokemon go I wish a Santa and Elf I wish mom I wish Chrstmas and ahieten do wo want Logen Michn thing and a hut. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I what a puppy, a LOL, a Pokeman cords and 1 big 1, hatchunoll­s, a soccerball, a phone, a gainl LaL doll, a lutalutch box. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I want a twisty pet lip gloss and a twisty pet pompoms rare. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

My I plz get a bunch of Pokemon boxes and make them have a bunch of tag teams in them. May I Plz get some cash to Plz and my I Plz have a 3ds and some more cash and some more tag teams in Pokemon.



Dear Santa, for Christmas I want FiFa20. for a PS4 a, hoverbord. to that’s not it Pokemon a boster pack and fifa19. Fifa17. fortnite. in my room I want a minecraft avenders Lego Game for 2 Player’s. a skate bord. a PS5 the New one. and a Lego Avenger’s set and conver’s. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I want a lot for christmas pokemon card’s, twisty pet’s rare, x box 1x, Skate’s, soker ball and net. Sincerely,


Dear Santa I want a remote control helicopter I want a nebgeho goIou. Thanks,


Juanita Merritt’s second grade class

Dear Santa,

I have a question for you. How many raindeer do you have? I really want a play house. What I also want is a tv. Another thing that I want for christmas is a colorbook and a hoverboard. the thing that I really want is a toy car. that I really really want is a bike. I also want a PS4. that is all. I wish you a marry Chistmas and a happy new year. Love,


Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph is he ral I want a Beauty Dragon and a Hathumal and a Red Phone Case and a iPhone II and a apol watch I wot it to be red white an blue and pink and I want Pokeman crds and a big big big stuf anamol Pikachow and a reall puppy Merry Chrismis ow and a Xbox and Xbox cuntrolr! Love,


Dear Santa,

Can I ask you a question how is Dasher. can I please have a huberboard. can I please have a puppy. can I please have a huberboard. can I please have a bike. can I please have a appl phone. can I please have a apl watch. can I please have a are pods. can I please have a Karaoke can I please have a waketoke. can I please have a toy car that you can ride in. can I please have a hed phone. Love,


Dear Santa,

How ar you? I am gud. I wnt a bablad and gun. Marecrisms


Jean Karlos

Dear Santa,

I have a quesion for you. How old are you? can you please con you get a Tablit. Please can I have huber board and bike airpods pro kase for iphoe II a cibeo Kage. PS4 and a PSU Kinchiair 2UV thum mane.



Dear Santa,

How are you doing can you give me a phone and can you give me a toy puppy and a toy kitty and can you give me som LOL dolls.




Dear Santa,

How are you doing? How is Rudolph. How old are you? and can you Please get me a LOL doll and make-up and can you get me a Dog Please and a notebook. I LOVE YOU Santa and Mrs. Claus. Love,


Dear Santa,

How are you doing can you give my a iphone 11 prow and a Air

Forces and Appel Watc I Love you Santa YOU ARE AMAZING AND YOU ARE THE BEST.



Dear Santa,

I have a question for you how is Rudolph is he okay? May I please get a puppy for Christmas. May I please have airpods. I also want a iphone 11. I also want a hoverboard. Have a fun time getting here!



Dear Santa,

I have a question Santa Claus are you really troow tell the trooth because I thenke you are NOT rele at all plese do not get mad at me. I just thenke that you are not rele at all. I fele like No bute at all I just wunt my mom and mema to have a good life whith me and my bruthr to I love you!

I love YOU!



Dear Santa,

Well how are the rander i hope miss. claus is okay. I want an crar huver board please. Sloth Please please please please please please please please please please. Thank you



Dear Santa,

Is Rudolph real? Can I haf teh nerf guns an ohe mega gun! are you really reall because I want my presents? I want a Hachamel. Thank you !!!!!!!!!!



Dear Santa,

I’m wandoring how are you dowing. can I have a turbo robot? Love,


Taylor Mounce’s second grade class

Dear Santa,

I want a doll sae sercem chruc B that cums with Idon because

1. I will not git drde.

2. I will not let nowue tuchit.

3. I will tac crir of it. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I wot fur Christmas is an elf and a toy unicrn. I also wot a blue gish. I wot


Mary Jane

Dear Santa,

I want the noow i-phone 11 becauys it is Coow. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I want my mom because I nevr git to see her no mor and sum times, I criy sum times and I nevr git to spind time with her no mor. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I would like a Lambo for my dad

1. bekause he has wanted one for a long time.

2. And he likes the colers red and black.

3. And it’s his faveret type of car and he likse how the dors work. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

Wut I wunt four crismus is a rill pupee because I can play with it and I will tack care of it and I will give it food.



Dear Santa,

I want a iPhone 8 pluss I like games, and has snap chat and tik tock.



Dear Santa,

I want a Ninja set because I like Ninjas. I like swords. I like Ninja Stras.



Dear Santa,

I wud like a socr Ball Pep cus I can kic hieand I like to kic the Ball and I can play wif my cusin. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I relly want a huge thing of nikolien slime. Becaus my mom will not let me have any slime !!!!! and because I relly want some slim !!!! and some slime that is smoth and soft. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I wish I can git slime because it is sqishe and stike and osow sprkle. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

Can I hav a woch (watch) because so I can tel the tim. and because I like the culr red and blue. And because so I can se if mi dad is at hom.



Dear Santa,

For Christmis I want Frost my elf on the shelf back Pleas because she was my specil Parner and I cold not stop thinking abaot her for a wile and this time I will not get rid of her. Pleas one more chanse.



Dear Santa,

I want a big sufy bir (fluffy bear) because I can hug it everyday and a other resen I can slep with it anuthr resen so I can play wit it. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I wish I cod have a treehoues. Frst I have olwa wuted a treehoues. Nets I think treehoues are cool. Last I wut it in the bigest tree. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

1. I want a skatebord because I aways go to the skate park by the kindergart­en school. And everyone I see it has cool details.

2. The next reason is because I realy like the color that looks like lightning and I like how it has the cool details.



Dear Santa,

I want a no basketball game because ther is a new season coming out and my xbox is a 360 and I want it becase it lost it whent under my cosins friends bed. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

IO whant a lot of tratfomrs (transforme­rs) because I love Bublbe (Bumblebee) and Octmis Prim (Optimus Prime) because thay are shine and ofm (awesome). So can you mack me od of it. Sincerely,


Dear Santa, I want a gutar (guitar) because I like to sing a lot and I some-times tell my siste if you gurs whant to do a song and that is why I whant a gutar (guitar) and that is my favorit insterment a lot.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a Piglet.

1. I want one becus I will feed her

2. I will watr her

3. and roc her to sleep. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I wut a crand buk (crayon book) becus it has color gams (games). I shar with to shar (share) wif my sistr because she is nis (nice)! Win I gow to my cusins has (house). Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I want a xbox 1x because I do not have a xbox that is why I want a xbox 1x. I want a iPhone X because my sister does not share her phone with me that is why I want a iPhone X. I want a PS4 because my brother never shares his xbox 1 that’s why I want a PS4. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I wot for crimis I wot bablad (bey blade) for crimis. The bablad it an spin it call bros udles (other) blas it has to2 (two) blas (blades).



Dear Santa,

I wunt a umercin gill (girl) iscrem truc. Because I wonte lose ine uv the pesese. And I have umercin doll. And I will cepi te (keep it) safe. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I want a huvr bord and a Ben 10 wach and a puppy. Sincerely,


Abby Reiners’ second grade class

Dear Santa,

Hello. Can I have a train? I like henny and James.


Dear Santa,

For christmas I rele wunt Chrstmas bresins even if we dote seldrat Christmas. I wunt a big stuff anmol uncon and a real life monkey for my sister. love Amy by. Amy

Dear Santa,

I want a computer that has a passwerd and a babby husky. I want a fhone for Christmas. I want a kittin too. I want a 250 pagig’s in my notbook. Class Reiner’s. Mom Candi Love, Sophia

Dear Santa,

The thin I wan’t the most is a L.O.L. Next, I wan’t five BABY twisty pets and five big twisty pet. Then, I wan’t a laptop. And a iPhone 11 pro max. Oh and a pink apple watch. love Victoria

Dear Santa,

I rile wunt a boockas and I holtzl and a fon for a merickidgr­ll doll! I wunt a lot of LOLS I wunt the big ones and the little ones to. And can you git a hyoosg legoset. PS Sine her _______

Love Brinkley

Dear Santa,

All I wont for Christmas is my Dad. thats ever thing I want this Christmas. Plese bring miy Dad. That guna macke my Day.

Love Melia

Dear Santa,

I Whood Like a Little Lechrik micuwave. I Whood Like a Haegrees. I Whood Like My dad back home Rele much. I nowe I Hav not bid so Good Latle Plees can I Plees I’ll Chriye to Be Good. unsigned

Dear Santa,

I Love you cus your nise and thack you for the toy i Love you. Love trent.

P.S. your wecum.

Dear Santa,

Ples give me a phone and a Dnosorus Toys HoHoHo!

Your frend,


Dear Santa,

Can you get me mibrodino, legos! and how do you get a lot of toys. I am so happy! And If you don’t it’s oaky because it’s about toys it’s about What bring us together. Love,


Dear Santa, for christmas I wold inJoiy a Pupy and slime for Christmas. and I wont a husky and You Make my familly happy and I allso hope my brthtay goes good for December 20th.


Dear Santa,

Hi my name is Addison I hope you have a good Christmas. I want a LOL and Mor dolls. I Love you santa and Miss Santclos. Addison.

^Dear Santa,

Baby lavitoy.

Bubl ball.

Silucone mermade tal. ex box 300.

I Pab.

Compuetr, whith a new mine craft disk. whith ANIMLS. a ratcoon, for a pet.

From: Joey to: Santa

Dear Santa,

Thank you for giveing children gifts. And being so kind. I rily wold Love for my Dad and Charlot to come for Christmas beacas I miss him and her. My other thing I wold Like is a Phone I have Rily whated one since I was five. My ether one is a dog. I rily what one that dose not shed. and a dog Bath. and what the dog to be white. And a coler that says he belongs to Parker.


Dear Santa,

I hope you hav a gud Christmas. And i hope i hav bin a gud grli thes christmas. And i hope i can have sum thang like sum uonucorns tyos or a nou Barn or a LOL Haws. and LOL balls to go in it and i hop you hav a gud Christaas. to Mi Favrit Santa.



Dear Santa,

I wun’t at Lest 3 more twiste Pes! And I wun’t at Lest 2 more Zebu. and I wun’t Funny Fase Stickr Fase Plecs. and I rilly wun’t coll rock’s and I don’t on if this is rite but here is go osom do you no wut the word is. and I do fite with my sistr and bruthr to but uthr thin that I have ben a good girl! and I don’t need a Lot of presins to. glur grat. And have a gra’t christmas to you to mire Christmas to all and all a good night. and wut do you wan’t for Christmas? and I will level you a pichr and sum cookes too and mabee sunthing els. too. By too.

Love, Kinley,

Annie Samaniego’s second grade class

Dear Santa thank you for your happiness spreading to all the kids and adults. Can I please have a elf on the shelf and Plants vs Zommbies fighting for Neighborvi­lle. thank you so much



Dear Santa, thank you for my flip pelos. Santa I need witr boos. Santa. I want a Babe Ulive.



Dear Santa,

Thank you for the kitchen I need some baby shoes. Please bring me a phone with a spankly case. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I want a pake of slime and Louisose and Lowe au out gom and kit and I want a witbrDaxpo Mrkrs.



Dear Santa, thank you Santa for being nice to everbudy and i need more mony jens in my game cop n robers Sincerely by


Dear Santa,

Thank you for my prses that you got me last yer. I need a noow pens. I wunt a Dog. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I Love you Thanks for The Presenst Thanks for the Stuf you ar things. Your, frend, Ace

Dear Santa,

Thank you for your pressents I am so happy to be nisse to: You I Love you so much I Love you sincerely!!


Der Santa clas thank you for last yer. i need a noo pare ov shoos. and can i have a noo bike. and a ninju costoom with sors. and can i have a pet baby cat and a baby dog. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

Thank you for my shoes. I still have them. I love them. Can I get some shorts. I need a eyeball. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

Thank you for the present you gave me last year. I love it. I need a biger bisicol. I want paint please.



Dear Santa,

I just want thank you for everything you done for all of us we all Love you so much I willing need art splis and something I want? Lol dolls and prne pops. I was wundrwing if you can get my mom a presit and I was wundrwing if you can pray for my dad I feel so bad for him so can you pleas pray for him and our elf that wold be so helpfull to me evein my dad we have had a willy bed year for us and our dad he will Love this and his frovit hollday is crismis he loves giving to echothr evein his mom debeie She is thank you Santa so pleas! Pray for his he Love you guse so much he Loves elfs evein he donst have one everything you gone for Sincerelly,


Dear Santa, thank you Santa for the present that you give me a kechen plese Santa to Santa from


Dear Santa: thank you for a Jolly holy Crismas. I need cloths Pleas get me clothes. I want markers. Sincerly,


Dear Santa, thank you for the prezen frome the uther Chrismis and I need a Buck of slime pleas and I want something I want a canmera for Chrismis and a growe prowe for me pleas



Dear Santa, thank you for giving all of us presents. I rely need monney cus my dad needs a surgery and we need monny. and I want a barbie camper cus I love to play with Barbies.



Dear Santa, thank you for the presents last year I need new socks and I want a kitty!



Der Santa,

I need a game from the 06 XBox Vedo-gam all-so Somthig I want is Jollie and Nicenis plees. From,


Dear Santa,

Thank you for my computr I need some shoes and some socks! I want PS4.

My name is Emiliano

Dear Santa, thank you for coming at night not day. I need new swiming shoes. I want a nintendo swich. Sincerely,


Dear Santa, you are amazing. We need a blendr. I went a new Game. Pleaz. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

Thank you. I nede uhdrwer. I want mincrkte for my XBox. Sincerely,


Dear: Santa Clause

Thank you for the presents from last year I want Shopkins & LOL’s & Pawpatrol & minimous & Hello citty.


Sydney Scott’s second grade class

Dear Santa,

I want a amojex Pillow. and 100 arerilick nails. more make up for me. a list of what my meme liket. a pick of you. a Phone for me. a home work Desk. and my own Christmas chapter book. From,


Dear Santa,

I really want a huberbord and a pair of cloths and shoes. I expeshaly want a lot of Food! thanks have a good night. Santa. And I want any mom and dad to have a good life. love,

Kinlee (Merry Christmas)

Dear Santa,

I really hope I get a Skatboard and a skater trainer’s skater trainer’s are little plastic atachments to your wheels that allow to land easyer tricks.



Dear Santa,

I really want a puppy for chrismas. I also want to have a brand knew jolrie box. And some jolrie to go with it. I would love to have my own computer for my desk. From,


Dear Santa,

I really want a red and orang sell phon. roodof toy. a pool. a Chrampeyn. a buzz. game a chrismus tree nite lite and a Santa toy. From,


Dear Santa,

This year I would like a calico criter house and some calica criters and some furunicher for the calica criter house. I would also like a new amarican girl Doll and some sets thank you Santa. From,


Dear Santa,

I would love to have a leap frog 2 thit has a camra that flips both ways and it would make me so happy to have a huberboard and a SD card thank you Santa! From,


Dear Santa,

I relle wunt my Dad for crismus today becus I miss him ples for crismus I just wunt my Dad. From,


Dear Santa,

I want a nintendo labo a few nintendo switch games like minecraf mario and sonic at the olimpic games luiges mansion 2 and mario party on the nintendo switch. From,


Dear Santa,

I wold like a crome book. I wold like a manain ind a PS4. I wold like one of your elfs for a pet. And a Phone. A hover bord to. Some dave Pilky books.



Dear Santa,

I want a new electrect scooter a hores cow to start it for my farm a drone that I can fly a apple watch that I can have.



Dear Santa,

I really want to be with my famlye at home. I really want school suplis for my doll Tenney. From,


Dear Santa,

I really want a neaf blaster and slime i would love to have bendr chatears it would make me so happy i want fg tv toys. From,


Dear Santa,

You are the BEST and you can give pepole presens. I wish I could see you are you going to give my me presens.



Dear Santa,

I want Spider men toys plese and cow gils and cowboy stuff to and money and a phone thaat is hit. From,


Dear Santa,

I relly whant for Chritmas is a LoL spurise and a BarBe doll and a PlayHouse and a BarBe doll House and a BarBe doll CaR and a Bike and a sunny day doll and a Sunny day House and a sunny day Play House. Thank you Santa From,


Dear Santa,

I wunt a lot of stuff this year I wunt makup hairsplise, IPhone, My Brother Is A Littel Bite crazy he wunts a munky.



Dear Santa,

I would love to have a hudge Ty Crismis Poler bare. And a barbe soing Kit and I Would like it if You could give me a ranbow magicl neclis like whith real magic. From,


Dear Santa,

Al wad riti laic a blv scurir 2at cod tan for n to a baiseco ella a vivo tweos end a exbox 10 and a rabets horises maryou.



Dear Santa,

I really want a blue Laptop and a HoverBord and I want to see my Loved Haded I love Haden so much



Dear Santa,

I wold love to have a fitbit for Christmas. thank you have a good night. From, Pearl

Dear Santa,

I rily wunt Gia to cum back. She was my first freind so wish her a vere mery christmas. Thank’s Santa!



Sarah Thomas’ second grade class

Dear Santa,

How ar you? I am gud. I wnt a trnplen and a bablad and gun and scutr.

Mare crisms.



Dear Santa,

What I want is a forweler, Phone, Shoes, close, pants, candys, cookies, Big bike, small bike, mags, toys, stuffys, alive frog pets, meat, coffie maker, makeup, monney, toy car, red car, printer, dimends, cooker stuff, Books, chapter Books. I should get it because i’m a proud and strong and careable and thankful and i’m a good girl. can Santa Stay at are houes when he’s all done dulivering all the presents to all the houses even my house and every one in my family?


DDear Santa,

I want: A dragoN Ball. AN GDK ACHION FIGURe. A dRAGON BALL exen overse XBOX. I trampleeni I have been good by! Getting my Little Brters cupy, helping. My Mom Get Grocerys. Ive spent time with my mom and dad the’se are Reasons I’ve Been Good. one question. How do your Raindeer Fly?

From Noah to Santa

Dear Santa,

I Want a jr one and I want a wun of you ha that roc ruf GX fur and I Want a cupl uv baublas and ronch. I shude git miu prsins beacus I help miu mom and dad a lot uf tims.



Dear Santa,

I have shared my stiker with mom. Can I have a cemis set. Do you live under the snow. Can I have a hudge slime ball that never gets dirty. Can I have a remote control water pruve monster truk.



Dear Santa, can i hav a vr hedset and to proov iv bin good iv red my litl sistr a book. Wut is it like at the northpl? Senserle.

Fenton dear Santa,

I want a golden & shadow freedy plush & a flash light & a phone & a comboe and a plush & a toy infinity gountlet & i’ve been helping peple & lerning well & is it true you have a dog?



Dear Santa,

I like a Amirca girl doll soccer awtfit and with the awlfit I want a soccer ball. I want muny to. I would like some more Pikmi pops. Am I on the good list? I have been good in school and I help my lern. Lydia

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is a lol a full of paint marker and cra-z-art and I want the Markers washable and I also want a teddy and how do your elfs Make toys? Somtimes I help my mom coking. Dariangeli­z

Dear Santa, am I on the good list? for cristmas I want a amaricin Girl doll. and a lol doll. and all the rest of the toys is a suprise. has eny of your rain dear got sick? and I got good grades.



Dear Santa,

This Christmas I would like a doll hous and barby cloths. Can I tell you why I think I am on the good list because I have been when we have been outside I have been taking care of my sister. Why do you live in the northpoul? Sincerly,


Dear Santa,

This Christmas I Want a polmeranyi­n dog. A ballet coustoom. The rest of my things I want are on my list at home. I have been good because when I got to my ant Britteny’s house I help baby sit! how are you and Mrs. Clase? Love,


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a big saprise. I am on the good list becose I got rilly good radse I yoused my maners and I also do lots of my homework. What tempater is it in the northpole plese send a leter back?



Dear Santa,

I want a gun that Shutes ruber beans deste ex2 and 25 ruber beans how I ben good is that I help people in need. how do you make toys so fast? hoe do you be so fast arond twn? Sesearley,


Dear Santa,

Tell him what you want. I want a Roblox taxar Question.


Dear Santa,

I Want a Roblox toy and I have been good because I help my mom so the babes cood not cry and sumtime I give sum food to my babes. Why do you have sum reindere Santa Clas? love Ariel

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a LOL barbe. I am on the good list because I have been good all year. Will you rite Back soon ples? Am I on the nis list? wat is your.



Dear Santa,

I have been good because I have been dooing wut my mom says. Did roodof rily lite the way? I want a smoll fourwillr for crismis. Sincerely,


Dear Santa,

I want for cris a barbe house and tow barbe and some stuf for my barbe dall. I am on the good list because I help my mom cling in the house. And cling my toy one my mom tels me to cling my toy up. And why do you have a big wite mush tash? Adn I love crismis because it is my faferit Holdass.


I Love Crismiss!

Dear Santa,

I want a robot. I have been good because I help my mom cook! did one of your raindear get sick? Darian

Dear Santaclos,

I want four Christmas is a Ball and a bookbag and a bigbook stikrs and a bike. Why are on the good list? I do my homewhrk! Is it clood up ther Santaclas?

Thank You!



Dear Santa,

I have been good because I am folding my Dad’s roors. Santa for Christmas I would like a chomebook plese and a frog plush plese and my dojo monsr to get 15 dojo points at Christmas and a chumpuder Plese. but Santa am I in the good list right?



Dear Santa,

I Want a Americin girl doll and she’s dress, shirt, shorts, pants, and bows. I have been good because I cleaned up after my self! Santa Do you have a cat or Dog or a Pet?

Your Very Good Kid,


Thank You!

Dear Santa,

Can I please have a baby turtle nintendo switch. remote cointrol monster truck. thank you Santa,


Charis Washausen’s second grade class

Dear Santa,

I want a book ben for Christmas and I want my family to be very happy for Christmas. And I hope you have a mery Christmas to. From Citlali

Dear Santa,

I want new shoes From Avah

Dear Santa,

I realy want something for cistmas. Can you get it for me I want a little live bird that can repeet what I say please get it for me. From Marley

Dear Santa,

I want a x box and a play car that warcs binoculars

From Avie

Dear Santa,

I want huverboard and x-box and laptop and a fit bit. A jurrasic park lego set and books a binoculars. From Oliver

Dear Santa,

I want a x box a pokemon boll toy From Braiden

Dear Santa,

I want a big fluffy unicorn a lot of stuffed animal a lot of rare pokemon slime slnimts. A laptop a lot of twisty pets!!! Kristal jems. Please give yummy choclett bar!! White bord and color marhes I also want a pokemon stuffed animal and pokemon everything!

From Natalie

Dear Santa,

I wish to get a baby alive tomarow pleas oh and a elee unicorn wll tent houses and a pen market thingy mubob give me a huge chocolate bar I also want a pokemon tow pokamin balls foreve and meoutha

From Emily

Dear Santa

For cristmis I want a big fluggy blanket. And a blottle of yeti slime because it grows please a frozen jeep and a kitten 5 chocolete coins please!

From Addison

Dear Santa,

I want som sline!!! I want a jojo bow!! And more bets friend ship bracelet

From Myla

Dear Santa,

I want slime and I want a jojo doll and a chrome book. And best ship frined ship bracelet and I want new shoes and I want a have a rrdoerd

From Tailynn

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a little dog its white it has black dots and and one of the spots is a cupcake it has shiny eyes and thiny ting little paws and I also want a Nintendo switch with sniper clips and all the other games

From Zoe

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa I’m not going to ask for much this Christmas all I want is a little doodle pad and candy in my stocking. And the new frozen 2 movie and one more thing I want you to help my mimi she werks so much even the night shift and she rilly in pane because she just had knee surgery so I just want to help her be happy and not in pane

From Nalarel

Dear Santa,

I want to have a mosasacire­s randcraft megoland shark From Justin

Dear Santa, I want a new nerftgun a new hover board more drawing supplies I need a chair for my room I want and xbox one and a new video game for my dads xbox and I want some books From Boston Briggs

Dear Santa,

Can you put my present under my tree please. Cani have cady cole.

From Aubree

Dear Santa,

I want coll for Christmas. From Landry

Dear Santa,

I want a bike and a rc car and a laptop and pokemon and a x box and legos.

From Emilio

Dear Santa,

I want a ntendo swich a pokemon cards more little gneen men and x box 4

From Simon

Dear Santa,

I want a huse stuff animal 20 hotwils and a play staeshan 4 watch From Wade

Dear Santa,

I sent you mi last crismis letr I dint neb jk itls for foowd I wus mehen a baiks uvris of uvr fowd lik fej wen you sent tke urrfens Unsigned

Dear Santa,

I want some presents I would like toys. Santa, come to the house to eat cookies and milk. Put the presents under the tree. From Antony

Dear Santa,

I want a hoverboard to of them. From Brayden

Dear Santa,

Dis situ I hope is crismis in osso you ex cocis you giv pristis ive dure you get lifts

From ABbry

My wish is…

LOL, Giny rig, Hamster, Chapstick, Tableit, Shopkins, Numnums, Compooter, Food, Star that lites, Box for toys.



My wish is…

Dear Santa, this is my wish list. * LOL cosmic qween

* LOL Big Suprise what kind i want Pahdo

* Fuzzy wubble

* hachamole Pack

* have a habay

* Cristmas



Dere Santa,

I want a playhome and a dansing lena and a hors and I wish I hav a happy krisnis and you to Santa and I love my Elf telut I love to hav a new puppy and a mom Dog to and I want a LOL and hackunols thats all.



To Santa,

My wish is to get a elf on shelf that I can touch. and my wish that one day I want a ball pit and a twisty pet and a big big big LOL sepirise and to get a toy car that I can drive.



My wish… is that I’m rich and I cud do trix and that i naf Labbrgreen­ey and intedosich and a Pokemon trazzilean.



Dear Santa,

I wish I could see you no one has I hope I get a crome book and other good stuff!



My wish…

Lego’s marvel, starwars, Book’s I like to read, mavel gigyers. From,


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