Siloam Springs Herald Leader

Letters to Santa Second Grade

- Love, Olivia Swicegood

Sandy Kidd’s Second Grade Class

Dear Santa,

How are you? Santa and thakoo for mi plasit lst ere I nos I cunit see mi plesis I no Klismis is spestl at mi Dad but I wata Wis and that wish is to hav a spesl kismishimi­s fur mi Dad. and i wut a pes4 fur kisms I bin nice oso I wata gam Mikraft and Wat Melk do you lik and Wat Kuces do you lik and thek that you rasm I lik miskios and I nebe a elf on the shef. and I wiik ask God 4.

Love, Gabriel Raymo

Dear Santa,

Hlw rl the rader? I hav bin glld this yre. I wut a horses toy. Also I wot a elf Pllez. if you kna a rell horsos wude be nise.

Vegu you

Love, Natalie Rodriguez

Dear Santa,

How’s Frostie doing roodof still playin ronder (reindeer) gam (games). I wunt a cpyeetr (computer) and a fon (phone) I hope you have a jolly merry christmas.

Love, Grayson Wade

Dear Santa,

How are you? Mrs. Clause Reindeer Rodolph naught nice kid give presens for cemestree your matsh-her and you ned cote and your house mashen presens noothpl hot wheels. Love, Matheo Barboza

Dear Santa,

How are you Mrs. Clause? For Christmas I want a tablit and close for Christmas. Do you like hat choclit or jis milk! Love, Hillary Rodriquez Rivera

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Clause and the Reindeer wut I want is a hrvurbrid and a omgdoll to wut tip of ckookes do you like. I have bin nic a lot thanke you for my peresins from lastyer I hope you give my sistsers some to. Love, Amelia Stringfell­ow

Dear Santa,

Ha Santa how is all the reindeers ran you wut mol coe (would you like cookies) if milk. Wut kin se do you wut to mac fue you I wut a phone and a wut you to go to tac god cal uf slu and edl (tell God to take care of my two dogs that died). Love, Adalynn Leach

Dear Santa,

How are you? Santa how are you? Mrs. Clause I miam hope the gifs you gime santa for korismis and I wunt a elf on the shef iun a the wold ho has gams I meis yoe Santa ian uo Mrs. Clause iun I niam nice ian win is uor hokit cookie.

Love, Carlos Lopez

Dear Santa,

How are you? Wut I wunt froe ckrimis is a swisto pet and a camur Mrs. Clause and Santa I have ben nice. I amost sied mice. Is rudolph and the other reindeer good. Yes or no. I love both of you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much.


Marley Samson

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Clause and the Reindeers and the elvs. I hawe bin nice this yer. I want you to bring me ples a pack of nrfe guns and a morkuntol car and I wut it to now wut kind of milk you like choklet or wuit milk and allso wut cind of kiikes you like otmil raisns choclet. Love, Nate Duke

Dear Santa,

How are you? Mrs Clause and the reindeer doowing I am doowing nice i wont a slime and i wont a eer plags for crismis How ar yoor elfs are Doowing you have a lots of presents I like showe

Love, Bailey McCurdy

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer? I just wanted to know. Have I been naughty or nice? do you like choclet milk the most or just regyeeler the most. I wanted two presents and thows are NERF pharao blaster and the next one is Lego sets and Santa thows lego sets you can pick them out and I wanted it to be your chois. and how is rudolph the star. and how is Mrs. Clause. Or tell me witch cookie you want. do you like snicker doodle, or shooger cookies or I know that you rilly like choclet chip. Love, Marcus Reno

Dear Santa,

How is rudolph? Hay I want 2 things a alive baby dol and a shopken hoes for criziz. I ben nice thank you for the stuf last yer I like the stuf wat milk do you lice wat choclit coocy to santa.

Love, Avery Turner

Dear Santa,

How are you Santa and Mrs. Clause? How are your reindeer? I bin nice. I wut a hovrbord and slime. How is Rudolph? How are your elefs. I hope you and your reindeer and Mrs. Clause and safe. Do you wunt choclit chip cookie.

Melinda Mathe’s Second Grade Class

Dear Santa,

I whut a tomugoch. I whut a LOL

I whut a fish

I whut a cat

I whut a Blackte I whut a Braslite I whut a squishy. Love,

Mia Carrasco

Dear Santa,

For Chrismis a indindo switch. I wut for everebuddy to get wnted At are hous. Are elf is the best elf ever! Thak you for geting me Lusie. I don’t care if other peepel don’t dleve in you but I thik you’r the best.


Watson McKinney

Dear Santa,

I want a puppy for Christmas Pese. My dogs have good. I love you Santa. Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas! Santa Clas and Missis Clas.

Love, Murray Stephenson

Dear Santa,

I want a Hrmit craB Plees. also my dog is on the noty List. he Has Ben diging Hols and Ben Jumping on me. I am tocing a Baut dashr. Pepper has ben good.


Pippa Honea

Dear Santa,

I wont my Famle too be Pispefl. Santa whil take me too the north pole. I whont to see yor Famle and yor roodoth the rondeer. can you git me and my sister a 9ex5. Can you git my famle 111 1111111110­0000000000­0000 0000000000­0000000000­0000 0000000000­0000000000­0000 0000000000­0000011111­1111 1111111111­11 $$$ can you git my a godin nike.


EJ Ederic Dadula

Dear Santa, Thank you for my prisit. Love, Christophe­r Mendez

Dear Santa,

Cin i git a Amerikn grile dolle and a hevr bord I have bin goode.


Hilcie Ferman

Dear Santa,

Ha Santea can you giv me som lispic please! Santeu, can I hav a eer pos plees! I osow wont pux please! Sateu can I hav scol syplis plees!


Krisley McCoy

Dear Santa,

I want a newtendo switch and colering ps5 and I want to go to the north pole and books and chapter books and a puppy or a cot candy scooter hufer board and shoes and toys and a freind show man p.s. I’ve been good to Day and I love you.


Zoey Jacklick

Dear Santa,

Wi wil buddy moov in 2 week and can I have a huvrbod and can I have a fone and can I have a nindindoe swich.


Mason Strickland

Dear Santa,

Can you pls bring me a huver bord and a new phone and a case and a new tou. I hope that is not to much. Can I have a new book a new pet. Thake you! Love,

Dahlia Attebury

Dear Santa,

I would raelly like a twisty food. And a soft pencell. And I want to ride in you’re slay. And I want Santu to give por people to get more things for them. And one more thing I want a soft twisty pet.


Daphne Winters

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa can I go to the north pll and can I have a toy can I have a ps4 and a I fone?


Michael Chavez

Dear Santa,

I what a PS5 and a skatbord and a Ipuone12 and a tv.


Zander Garcia

Dear Santa,

I love u! I wuent 2b grone santa. I wuent tablit I wuent a swich. Love,

Noah Morrow

Dear Santa,

I love you. I hop aer good. Will you please please bring me a fancy mirror a santa claus toy and a neclace. Thank you. Love,

Lexi Perkins

Dear Santa,

I wont cool minirles for christmas. how old are you? How is your wife? have you went sleding? I hope you have a great winter.


Justin Thyme Samoff

Dear Santa,

I want a PS5 and a apple wach gold coler. What is going on in the north pole?


Edison Lopez-Mendoza

Dear Santa,

I wut a LOL

I wut a OMG

I wut a cat

I wut a bed

I wut a dog Love, McKenna Robinson

Ashley McKelvy’s Second Grade Class

Dear Santa

I’ve been good this year. I would like fnaf toys. I will listen to my parents.

I will clean my room. love,Noah

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year when I say good I mean super good!I want 1.000 phones please. Santa why do you like red?Why do you eat cookies and drink milk?I promise that I’ll put up my christmas tree and my lights. Love,

James alan anderson

Dear Santa bta I wunt a toyshotgun a and a gtr wesh a blue scilin weath A niht nif a gun

Lave colton

Dear Santa,

If I am good I want a ipad and a pink schooder so that

I can ride schooders with my brothers because thay Have schooders and it would be fun to ride them with My brothers. And I want a ipad so that i can play on

It on the weekend because that is the only time

We are olowd to play on them. Love,


Dear Sante,

Sante ples giv me wut lvwu tiwgnt toe.tran.cor. Plescors. Ifonfi5.cpyudr. Prodigy. Hillkopdr. Love,


Dear santa,

I really want pc in my room if i clean my room and put cookie and milk love, kenny

Dear santa,

I want a hoverboard And wireless headphone and hatchimals {love} stella

Dear santa

I want a initindoe lite and a play watch and new nicky shoos and my own pet lizard and a new lunch box and like the miny bach pack packs you know and new cunchlers for the intindoe lite and mega bade blade Love ali

Dear santa, would like iwunt a prpe. [ love] vanessa

Dear santa

I would like to have a fulwiler Love


Dear santa,

What I wont is a bike. and a hole set of lol,s. and a big doll .and barbeydoll,s ok. and a hole set of hachmols .and a hole set of dollsbarbe­y doll,s ok .and I want a holl makeup cleshon. A lunch boox.

Love evelyn

Dear Santa,

I want a LoL doll house with some lol dolls in it and some more pokemon cards. And hatchimals the snow once okay santa and I want my dog Treyen.



Dear santa,

I a Snow is my favorite you new tree? Yes no? I miss you goon love, steven

Dear santa,

I want a smart watch.I want tie die slim.I want hatchumls and a dig one to. I want omg and LoL. I want ort and crafs.

I want a Borbe jrem has. I want rol scas. I want osmo. Love


Dear Santa,

For christmas I wan’t a hoverboard for chrismis Santa.For chrismis I asol wan’t a tablit with headphone’s

For me.Santa have i bin good this year.Santa can I have new Shoos,shrt pleas. Santa can I have a big bunny stuff anumol. Santa can I have fluffy jakits,sqwishys,and a iphone12.


Yurany G

Dear santa

I rilly whont a Barbie house and a Ipone 12 on and Barbie stuf and a bunch of baby alives and baby alive stuf to on and a radyoe to and a play car to and an outfit for my elf. And a culling set. Buddy for my dog reegle. Love


Dear santa i want some pokemon cards and a dirtbike and a phone and a tablit and a bike and a Big coat and some gluvs and a beanie to and a to see santa cous santa is the best anb christmas is the best halliday and a Xbox 1 and a 10000$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and a shotgun anb a pump shotgun love,jordan

Juanita Merrit’s Second Grade Class


I wish I cod come see you at the north pole. I bet they it is rille cold. Do you have a dog that wood be very cute. If you had a pig but i think Rudolf is very cute. I wut to asc FOR A Unicorn bcuss they ar beautifour. I wut a huver bord and 2000000444­44 dollers. You ar the best santa. Love, Savanna

Dear santa

How are you ? How are the elves? How is Mrs.Claus and how is Rudolf ? Do you like choclet chip cookies ? Do you like your Sleigh? Is the north pole cold? I would like a haver bourd and a dog and a bike. Thank you for the stuf Have a good trip.

Love, Colby

Dear Santa,

I want a nitendo sywitch. I have been good thes year!. Love jessie

 ??  ?? By Nathan, Stacy Honea’s Second Grade Class
By Nathan, Stacy Honea’s Second Grade Class

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