Souderton Independent

Telford to issue letters about tree trimming

- By Thomas Celona

The trees in Telford have become a safety hazard, and the borough is taking steps to ensure residents keep their properties properly trimmed.

Public works Director Donald Beck informed council he has found nearly 200 properties that are in violation of the borough’s tree trimming ordinance during Telford Borough Council’s Aug. 6 meeting.

In several areas, trees hang over the sidewalk, forcing people walking or jogging on the sidewalks to have to go out onto the street, Beck said. Additional­ly, the hanging limbs can interfere with public works efforts, notably the upcoming oil and chip surface treatment on several borough streets, according to Beck.

“This has always been a situation where to get people to cooperate is tough,” he said.

In an effort to have residents cooperate, council approved a letter for borough staff to send out to

property owners who are in violation of the ordinance.

“This is essentiall­y a way for us to get out the message,” Borough Manager Mark Fournier said.

“We’re trying to make sure our stop signs are visible all along the street the way they need to be,” he said, noting some trees also block speed limit signs.

The letters, which will be sent out soon, give RHVLGHQWV D fiRVW QRWLFH DQG include a copy of the borough’s ordinance, according to Fournier. If property owners still do not come into compliance, they will receive a second notice, followed by a citation.

If property owners do not comply, the borough can perform the tree trimming and then charge the owner the cost of doing so plus 10 SHRFHQW, ZLWK D fiQH DGGHG for each day the amount is not paid, according to Beck.

The Barnside Mulch and Compost facility in Schwenksvi­lle is the designated place for borough residents to dispose of tree trimmings, according to ERRRUJK RIfiFLDOV.

Mayor Jay Stover suggested since there will be so many people who have to trim their trees, it might be good public relations to schedule a tree waste pickup day, noting he feels many residents do not know about the composting facility, while elderly residents may not be able to transport the tree trimming themselves.

Fournier said it would cost the borough money to haul the trimmings away when disposal is a homeowner’s responsibi­lity. He suggested seeing what response the borough staff receives and having the council’s public works committee look into the possibilit­y of getting a Dumpster to collect tree trimmings.

Also on the topic of overgrown vegetation, council again discussed a property many have deemed an eyesore but which borough code provides no means to regulate.

Police Chief Randall Floyd brought up the property at 112 S. Main St., which has been the subject of many resident complaints because of its extremely high grass.

At the June council meeting, Floyd said he had cited the property several times, but the property owner refused to mow the grass. In fact, the owner maintained the property has been certifiHG DV D ZLOGOLIH KDELWDW Ey the National Wildlife Federation.

Floyd reported he has looked further into the matter and discovered the property is not in violation of the borough’s regulation­s.

“I don’t like it. It’s certainly not my choice of yard,” he said. “According to our ordinance, it’s not in violation.”

Floyd said he spoke with ERWK WKH fiRH PDRVKDO DQG WKH fiRH FKLHI, ZKR ERWK VDLG the property is not a safety hazard.

“It’s on Main Street. It’s visible. It’s in the front. But it’s not in violation of the ordinances,” Fournier said. “It’s an aesthetics issue.”

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