Souderton Independent

Chick-fil-aflap about tolerance


HDYH yRu KHDUG WKDW WKH KHDG RI WKH CKLFN-fiO-A UHVtaurant chain is anti-gay marriage? That’s not exactly how CEO Dan Cathy put it, but close enough.

In a recent interview with the Baptist Press, Cathy, Dn HYDnJHOLFD­O CKULVWLDn, PDGH FOHDU WKDW CKLFN-fiO-A LV a company that supports Christian values and lives by biblical teachings. This includes closing all its restaurant­s on Sunday, as well as expressing support for “traditiona­l marriage.”

“We are very much supportive of the family — the ELEOLFDO GHfinLWLRn RI WKH IDPLOy unLW. :H DUH D IDPLOy owned business, a family led business, and we are marULHG WR RuU fiUVW ZLYHV. :H JLYH GRG WKDnNV IRU WKDW …”

Cathy’s comments were quickly jumped upon by various activists, media members and even politician­s as being “anti-gay” and “bigoted.” Protests were organL]HG DnG ERyFRWWV VuJJHVWHG, ZKLFK LV finH. :KDW ZDV nRW finH ZDV KRZ D nuPEHU RI SROLWLFLDn­V DnG JRYHUnPHnW RIfiFLDOV VDLG WKHy ZLVKHG WR SunLVK WKH FRPSDny for the expressed religious beliefs of its owners.

BRVWRn 0DyRU 7RP 0HULnR VDLG “CKLFN-fiO-A GRHVn’W EHORnJ Ln BRVWRn … YRu FDn’W KDYH D EuVLnHVV Ln WKH city of Boston that discrimina­tes against a population. We’re an open city, we’re a city that’s at the forefront of inclusion.”

1R RnH KDV VuJJHVWHG WKDW CKLFN-fiO-A UHVWDuUDnW­V DUH refusing to serve gay customers or even refusing to hire gay employees. What matters is that Dan Cathy has an opinion, shared (as it happensF by millions of other Americans, that offends the sensibilit­ies of a particular FRnVWLWuHn­Fy DnG D IHZ HOHFWHG RIfiFLDOV.

In the meantime, conservati­ves from Mike Huckabee to Rick Santorum to Sarah Palin announced their supSRUW IRU CKLFN-fiO-A DnG HnFRuUDJHG WKHLU VuSSRUWHUV WR PDNH AuJ. 1 CKLFN-fiO-A ASSUHFLDWL­Rn DDy. 7KRuVDnGV did at 1,600 locations nationwide. Customers clogged drive-through lanes and crowded parking lots to buy a chicken sandwich and show their support.

The company said in a statement the turnout made for “an unpreceden­ted day,” although it says it doesn’t release exact sales numbers, according to The Associated Press.

The game of chicken continued last Friday, as gay rights activists and other supporters of marriage equalLWy SODnnHG D nDWLRnDO “.LVV ,n” DW CKLFN-fiO-A UHVWDurant­s.

Participan­ts were encouraged to come to the fast-food restaurant­s and kiss a fellow demonstrat­or of the same sex. Or, just hug someone.

“Without question, Dan Cathy has every right to voice his opinions and beliefs,” Herndon Graddick, president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said in a statement. “But he should meet and get to know the people that he’s speaking out against — the people who are harmed by his company’s multimilli­ondollar donations to anti-gay hate groups working to hurt everyday LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgende­r] Americans and break apart loving families.”

7KH flDS RYHU CDWKy’V FRPPHnWV, ERWK Ln VuSSRUW DnG in protest, is a bit of a stretch in both directions.

The CEO is entitled to voice his beliefs as long as they don’t cross the line of discrimina­tion, and those who support his beliefs can show their support by buying more chicken sandwiches. Those who don’t agree can say so and eat burgers, if that’s what they choose.

Many are couching this episode as being entirely about free speech, but in truth, it’s about tolerance. Tolerance means living alongside one another and accepting our difference­s, even in taste.

Believe it or not, not everyone likes chicken sandwiches.

- Journal Register News Service

 ?? Submitted photo ?? BLACK BELTS ... Students at Mark Cashattís Taekwon-Do School Inc. in Souderton were tested and were promoted July 28. Pictured are, from left, Master Instructor Mark Cashatt; Paula Lamkins, of Harleysvil­le, Liam Erskine, of Souderton, Kevin Burke, of...
Submitted photo BLACK BELTS ... Students at Mark Cashattís Taekwon-Do School Inc. in Souderton were tested and were promoted July 28. Pictured are, from left, Master Instructor Mark Cashatt; Paula Lamkins, of Harleysvil­le, Liam Erskine, of Souderton, Kevin Burke, of...

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