


Test your knowledge with these Coast Guard license exam prep questions from the National Captain’s Institute

1. INTERNATIO­NAL RULES: All of the following meet the definition­s of engaged in fishing except: A. fishing with lines B. trawling C. fishing with nets D. trolling

2. INLAND RULES: An auxiliary sailing vessel would be considered a power-driven vessel: A. when under power alone B. when under sail and power C. both A and B D. neither A nor B

3. An isotherm is: A. a line connecting points of lowest temperatur­e B. a line connecting points of highest temperatur­e C. a temperatur­e-measuring instrument D. a line connecting all points of equal temperatur­es

4. Where would you look for informatio­n on local variation? A. on the chart datum B. in the center of the compass rose C. in the Coast Pilot D. in the Notice to Mariners

5. Escape hatches and other openings in weather decks on passenger vessels operating in other than protected water: A. must be watertight B. must be open at all times C. need not be watertight D. none of the above

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