


Test your knowledge with these Coast Guard license exam prep questions from the National Captain’s Institute

1. INLAND RULES: If two power-driven vessels are meeting head-on so as to involve risk of collision, each shall: A. alter course to port so as to pass starboard of each other B. alter course to starboard so as to pass port to port C. alter course as determined by signals exchanged D. sound 5 blasts and stop or reverse engines

2. INLAND RULES: Vessels over 100 meters shall, and any vessel at anchor may: A. display two red lights B. display two black balls C. illuminate decks with working lights D. exhibit 1 light where it can best be seen

3. INTERNATIO­NAL RULES: You are underway and hear a continuous fog signal. It means: A. The signal is stuck open. B. A vessel is trying to attract fish. C. A vessel is in distress. D. Nothing special is associated with the signal.

4. In a crossing situation on inland waters, a short blast by the give-way vessel indicates that the vessel: A. is holding course and speed B. is turning to starboard C. intends to leave the other on her port side D. is backing down 5. INLAND RULES: An underway power-driven vessel shall keep out of the way of: A. a vessel engaged in fishing B. a sailing vessel C. a vessel restricted in ability to maneuver D. all of the above 18 Rule D, 5. 34 Rule C, 4. IV Annex C 3. 30 Rule C, 2. 14 Rule B, 1. ANSWERS:

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