South Florida Sun-Sentinel Palm Beach (Sunday)

Crises add up as Biden bears down

- Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Inside the White House, President Joe Biden presided over a focused launch of his administra­tion, using his first days in office to break sharply with his predecesso­r while signing executive orders meant as a display of action to address the historic challenges he inherited.

But outside 1600 Pennsylvan­ia Ave., there are signs everywhere that those crises are as deep and intractabl­e as ever. The coronaviru­s pandemic surges, the economy teeters

and Republican­s in Congress have signaled objections to many of Biden’s plans.

Biden is looking to jumpstart his first 100 days in office with action and symbolism to reassure a divided and weary public that help is in the offing. He also knows that what a president can do on his own is limited so he is calling for Congress to act while he is being candid with Americans that dark days are ahead.

“The crisis is not getting better. It’s deepening,” Biden said Friday about the impact of pandemic. “A lot of America is hurting. The virus is surging. Families are going hungry. People are at risk of being evicted again. Job losses are mounting. We need to act.”

“The bottom line is this: We’re in a national emergency. We need to act like we’re in a national emergency,” he said.

Biden’s first moments as president were meant to steady American democracy itself.

He took the oath just before noon Wednesday in front of a Capitol that still bore scars from the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on aimed at stopping Biden’s ascension to power. The violence underscore­d the fragile nature of the peaceful transfer of power and led to the historic second impeachmen­t of Donald Trump.

Biden was plainspoke­n and direct about the confluence of crises the nation faces. More than 415,000 Americans have lost their lives to the pandemic, millions are out of work and the aftershock­s of a summer reckoning with racial justice are still felt.

“You can hear this collective sigh of relief that Trump is gone, but we have no time for a sigh of relief because of the cascading crises,” said Eddie Glaude Jr., chair of the department of African American studies at Princeton University. “We don’t want to assume that the election of Biden solves everything. The scale of the problems is immense and the question for us is do we respond at scale.”

Changes within the White House have been swift. When Biden sat down at the Resolute Desk to sign his first batch of his executive orders on Wednesday, he was wearing a mask. Trump had resisted wearing one, putting one on only occasional­ly and instead turning mask-wearing into a polarizing political issue

Biden urged all Americans to wear a mask for the next 100 days and used his platform to model the same behavior, one of several ways he tried to change the tone of the presidency in his first few days.

Daily press briefings returned, absent the accusation­s of “fake news” that marked sporadic briefings in the Trump era. Biden held a virtual swearing-in for hundreds of White House staffers, telling them to treat each other with respect or they would dismissed, a marked change from the contentiou­s, rivalry-driven Trump West Wing.

The executive actions Biden signed during the week were a mix of concrete and symbolic actions meant to undo the heart of Trump’s legacy. Biden halted constructi­on of the border wall, rejoined the World Health Organizati­on and the Paris climate accord and bolstered the means for production for vaccines.

But the might of the executive actions pales in comparison to the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package he requested from Congress. Biden has not ruled out asking Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., to push it through by tactics requiring only Democratic support. But the president, who spent decades in the Senate, hoped to persuade Republican­s to support the measure.

“Leaning on executive action makes sense at the start, you can get things going and show momentum right away without waiting for Congress,” said Robert Gibbs, former press secretary for President Barack Obama. “But this is going take a while. Like it was for us in 2009, change doesn’t come overnight.”

Just two Cabinet nominees were confirmed by week’s end, to the frustratio­n of the White House. But with the Friday night announceme­nt that Trump’s impeachmen­t trial will not begin until the week of Feb. 8, Biden aides were optimistic that the Senate would confirm more before then.

Biden has made clear that steering the nation through the pandemic will be his signature task and some Republican­s believe that Trump’s implosion could create an opening to work across the aisle on a relief deal.

“There is a very narrow permission structure for congressio­nal Republican­s who want to move past the Trump era and want to establish their own political identities,” said Kevin Madden, a Republican strategist who was a senior adviser on Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidenti­al campaign.

“There is an old saying: ‘Make the main thing the main thing.’ And the Biden White House knows that’s the main thing,” Madden added.

 ?? REBECCA BLACKWELL/AP ?? People stroll past a section of the National Mall by the Capitol where workers were dismantlin­g inaugurati­on installati­ons after most downtown streets and spaces had reopened to the public Saturday in Washington.
REBECCA BLACKWELL/AP People stroll past a section of the National Mall by the Capitol where workers were dismantlin­g inaugurati­on installati­ons after most downtown streets and spaces had reopened to the public Saturday in Washington.

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