South Florida Sun-Sentinel Palm Beach (Sunday)

UK fishing industry decries new Brexit rules

- Associated Press

LONDON — British fishing communitie­s were among the strongest supporters of Brexit. But now some say they face ruin because of new red tape imposed by the U.K.’s departure from the European Union.

One seafood firm has threatened to dump rotting crustacean­s on the government’s doorstep if the situation doesn’t improve.

Many British fishermen backed Brexit because it promised the chance for the U.K. to leave the EU’s complex system of fishing quotas and regain control over who is allowed to fish in British waters.

At the same time, Britain’s exit from the EU single market means new costs and red tape for exporters — a major problem since Britain exports most of the fish its boats catch.

Danish company DFDS, which transports seafood from Scotland to the EU by truck, has suspended shipments at least until Monday because of delays in getting new paperwork in order.

Jamie McMillan of Scotland’s Lochfyne Langoustin­es said “the fishing industry has been made a fool of” by the government in London.

“We can’t get our product to the EU market because of red tape,” he said in a video released on social media.

“If Scottish exporters can’t get their product to market next week, we will be at the gates of Westminste­r and we’ll be dumping our shellfish on your doorstep, rotten,” he added.

The trade deal that took effect Jan. 1 allows Britain and the EU to trade in goods without quotas or tariffs. But that is a far cry from the seamless, hassle-free trade the U.K. enjoyed while it was part of the EU’s single market. Companies face new expense and red tape, including customs declaratio­ns and border checks.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said fishing companies will be compensate­d for their losses, though he has not given details.

Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary George Eustice said the hiccups were “only teething problems. Once people get used to using the paperwork, goods will flow normally

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