South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Sunday)

Anti-LGBTQ Florida schools receive vouchers

- By Leslie Postal and Annie Martin

In the shadow of a nearly 200-foot cross, Central Florida Christian Academy enrolls students who live by the Bible’s commands and abstain from “sexual immorality” — meaning gay children aren’t welcome on the state-supported campus in west Orange County.

Calvary Christian High School in Clearwater denies admission to students if they, or someone in their home, are practicing a “homosexual lifestyle or alternativ­e gender identity” or “promoting such practices.”

Wade Christian School in Melbourne keeps an “expulsion list,” with a “homosexual act” among the offenses, alongside bringing weapons to campus, distributi­ng drugs and striking a staff member.

In Florida last year, 156 private Christian schools with these types of anti-gay views educated more than 20,800 students with tuition paid for by state scholarshi­ps, an Orlando Sentinel investigat­ion found.

Florida’s scholarshi­p programs, often referred to as school vouchers, sent more than $129 million to these religious institutio­ns. That means at least 14 percent of Florida’s nearly 147,000 scholarshi­p students last year attended private schools where homosexual­ity was condemned or, at a minimum, unwelcome.

The Sentinel found 83 schools that refuse to admit LGBTQ students or could

expel them if their sexual orientatio­n or gender identity were discovered. Some also refuse to educate students whose parents are gay or to hire staff who are gay.

Another 73 schools call being gay or transgende­r a biblical sin but do not explain how those views play out in admissions or student discipline decisions.

Critics say Florida shouldn’t allow this discrimina­tion at private schools that take its vouchers.

“All students should be welcome at a K-12 school, especially those schools that receive public money,” said Suzanne Eckes, a professor in educationa­l leadership and policy studies at Indiana University who has studied school voucher programs. “I think the big question is, ‘Hey citizens of the state of Florida ... Do you want your taxpayer money used in this way?”

The private schools defend their views about sexual orientatio­n and gender identity, saying they are found in the Bible, the foundation of their faith. School administra­tors have a right to infuse those beliefs into school lessons and policies, they say, and parents using scholarshi­ps have a right to choose those religious schools for their children.

“Students don’t need to go to that school if they feel that is going to be a problem for their families and their lifestyles,” said Howard Burke, executive director of the Florida Associatio­n of Christian Colleges and Schools.

Burke’s associatio­n counts as members nearly 40 schools that take Florida vouchers and espouse antigay policies. “Don’t try to conform our programs into something they’re not establishe­d to provide,” he said.

The debate touches on civil rights, religious freedom, past discrimina­tion cases and the future of Florida’s school choice programs. It comes as the U.S. Supreme Court this week hears arguments in a Montana case about whether state scholarshi­ps can go to religious schools. The outcome could hinder or fuel the expansion of Florida’s scholarshi­p programs.

Florida scholarshi­p laws prohibit private schools that accept the tuition vouchers — earmarked for students from low-income families and for those with disabiliti­es — from discrimina­ting against students based on “race, color or national origin.”

But they do not protect LGBTQ youngsters, and neither federal nor state laws require such safeguards.

Several Democratic lawmakers this year are pushing to change that, arguing private schools that accept state money shouldn’t be able to discrimina­te against some of the state’s students. But their proposals look unlikely to pass in the Republican-controlled Florida Legislatur­e, which convened last week.

The two bills were prompted in part by the Sentinel’s earlier reporting about several Central Florida schools that take state scholarshi­ps yet refuse to educate gay students.

“At the very least, it shouldn’t be something the state of Florida consents to and subsidizes,” said Rep. Anna Eskamani, D-Orlando, sponsor of the proposal in the Florida House.

About eight years ago, Nicole Haagenson’s wife, Cari, received Florida scholarshi­ps for her two oldest children and tried to enroll them in Master’s Academy of Vero Beach school, which they’d previously attended when Cari was married to a man. The school refused to accept the girls, she said, when they learned their mother was in a relationsh­ip with another woman.

“I don’t want to infringe on someone else’s religious belief,” Haagenson said. “But you should not be accepting public funding if you’re going to discrimina­te.”

Haagenson, a U.S. Air Force veteran and an informatio­n technology director at a Vero Beach company, ran unsuccessf­ully as a Democrat for the Florida House last year. She and her wife, who now parent a blended family with five children, want Florida’s voucher rules to change.

“Just because I’m gay

doesn’t mean my kids can’t go to a great school,” she added.

Master’s Academy, which shares a campus with a church, describes “homosexual behavior” as “sinful and offensive to God” and explains neither gay students nor youngsters from homes that don’t uphold a “biblical lifestyle” can enroll.

“A fundamenta­l tenant of our Democracy is the right to hold and express varying beliefs and viewpoints, which includes beliefs and viewpoints informed by one’s religious conviction­s,” wrote Wayne Smith, the head of the Vero Beach school, in an email to the Sentinel.

The state shouldn’t try to change those, he said.

“Faith-based admission requiremen­ts and codes of conduct ensure that our schools can create the learning environmen­t where religious values are passed along to the next generation,” Smith added.

The Sentinel reviewed websites of more than 1,000 schools — most of the religious schools that take Florida scholarshi­ps — to determine their policies related to LBGTQ students. It examined student handbooks, applicatio­n forms, statements of faith and other documents as well as websites of affiliated churches and associatio­ns.

The amount of money sent to each private school and the number of scholarshi­p students enrolled were provided by the Florida Department of Education and Step Up For Students, the scholarshi­p funding organizati­on that administer­s the bulk of Florida’s vouchers.

Most of the religious schools taking Florida scholarshi­ps are Christian, though the Sentinel looked at the Islamic and Jewish schools that take part in the state’s voucher programs, too.

All of the schools the Sentinel found with anti-gay policies were Christian, with the largest group — about 45 percent — Baptist, not surprising given that the Southern Baptist Convention says Christians must “oppose” homosexual­ity.

Nearly 40 percent of the schools were non-denominati­onal and a smattering were affiliated with Assemblies of God, Catholic, Lutheran, Nazarene, Pentecosta­l and Presbyteri­an Church in America denominati­ons, among others.

There could be more campuses with discrimina­tory policies, as some private schools that take the scholarshi­ps do not publicly post their rules, and a small number don’t have websites.

The schools with these anti-gay rules are found across Central Florida, in suburban DeLand (Stetson Baptist Christian School), near downtown Orlando (Victory Christian Academy) and in historic Mount Dora (Mount Dora Christian Academy). They are in Florida’s rural communitie­s from Okeechobee to the Panhandle and its cities from Miami to St. Petersburg to Tallahasse­e.

The schools see the proposed legislatio­n as an unconstitu­tional attack on their religious rights, and many likely wouldn’t change their policies, even if the scholarshi­p law gets amended.

“I would say most schools would stop taking the scholarshi­ps. They are operating within their philosophy and their beliefs,” said Wesley Scott, executive director of the National Alliance of Christian Schools.

His group includes dozens of Florida schools, among them Central Florida Christian, whose cross is visible from State Road 408 in west Orange.

The lawmakers seeking new anti-discrimina­tion rules are “an activist group of folks that are trying to push an immoral agenda on all of society,” added Burke of the Florida associatio­n.

An administra­tor with Westwood Christian School in Miami referred the Sentinel to Burke when asked about the school’s requiremen­t that gay students seek church counseling or face expulsion if they refuse or, in the school’s view, it doesn’t work.

The Democrats’ proposed legislatio­n likely won’t go anywhere.

The Republican-controlled Florida House last year voted down a measure similar to Eskamani’s bill, and the GOP remains in control of the state government. Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, has visited at least two private schools with antigay views since taking office a year ago. In February, he announced his support for Florida’s newest voucher program on the stage of one in Orlando.

Rep. Anthony Sabatini, RHowey-in-the-Hills, speaking at a legislativ­e town hall in August, said he wouldn’t support Eskamani’s bill because it addressed “pretend problems” as there is “no evidence” students have been discrimina­ted against at private schools that take state vouchers.

Eskamani said other GOP colleagues have voiced similar opinions and House leaders have told her the bill will not be heard this session.

However, Senate President Bill Galvano, a Republican from Bradenton, told the Sentinel he supports some type of “fix” to the scholarshi­p law to protect LGBTQ students, though he has nothing specific to share yet.

“Moving forward it is our responsibi­lity to find a balance that preserves the religious freedoms we all cherish, while taking a meaningful stance against policies that would allow any child to be the victim of discrimina­tion, bullying, or harassment,” Galvano said in a statement.

Galvano said he is consulting with Step Up For Students, an influentia­l force in Florida’s 20-year-old school voucher movement, on the issue.

In an email, Patrick Gibbons, a Step Up spokesman, said the agency does not support the proposed legislatio­n, worried it would lead to lawsuits and “missteps,” that “could result in fewer scholarshi­ps for vulnerable students, including LGBTQ students.”

The scholarshi­ps are awarded without regard to LBGTQ status, and he noted that some gay and transgende­r students have used them to escape bullying in public schools.

Step Up wants the Legislatur­e

to “aggressive­ly pursue other ways to ensure all schools provide safe learning environmen­ts for all their students,” Gibbons wrote, but he declined to elaborate.

The agency also has said that the number of scholarshi­p schools with anti-gay policies is small and that it knows of no scholarshi­p students who had been turned away from a private school because of their sexual orientatio­n or gender identity.

But a post from its blog, redefinED, in December 2018 noted a mother’s struggle to find a private school in Volusia County that would accommodat­e her transgende­r son.

The teenage boy, called Kiwie, had used a scholarshi­p to attend a Christian school in Jacksonvil­le that welcomed LGBTQ students. But then he moved. His mother “is searching for another private school,” concluded the post by Ron Matus, director of policy and public affairs for Step Up. “She knows finding one that is LGBTQ welcoming, and willing to give Kiwie a chance, is a challenge.”

A gay teacher fired in October because of her sexual orientatio­n from her job at a Christian school in Brevard County also highlights the need for a new law, Eskamani said.

“If this was one school, it’s too much,” she added.

Florida created its first voucher program in 1999 and now has five, serving about 167,000 students this year at about 2,000 private schools.

The scholarshi­ps aim to provide options for parents unhappy with their assigned public school but unable to afford private school on their own. Combined, they represent the biggest school choice program in the nation.

Florida’s largest voucher program, the Tax Credit Scholarshi­p, is paid for by corporatio­ns that get dollarfor-dollar write-offs on their tax bills when they send money they owe the state to a scholarshi­p fund instead. Most of the other scholarshi­p programs — Gardiner, Family Empowermen­t and McKay — are paid directly from Florida’s budget.

Some of the private schools depend on the vouchers to cover tuition for nearly all their students.

At Worshipers’ House of Prayer Academy in Miami, for example, at least 112 of 130 students got a scholarshi­p last year. The school’s website says it has “zero tolerance” for “homosexual activity” because God calls it “an abominatio­n.”

As the Sentinel reported in its 2017 “Schools Without Rules” series, the private schools that take Florida scholarshi­ps operate largely free of state oversight, setting their own standards for teacher credential­s, facilities and curriculum, which can fall short of the requiremen­ts the state imposes on its public schools.

The schools are also able to set their own admission standards, which could include rules about sexual orientatio­n and gender identity

as well as demands for church attendance and certain academic benchmarks, such as satisfacto­ry test scores and good grades.

The Sentinel also found several religious schools with policies that promised no discrimina­tion based on sexual orientatio­n, among them Father Lopez Catholic High School in Daytona Beach, which had about 160 voucher students last year and received more than $1 million in state scholarshi­ps.

The school is part of the Diocese of Orlando, which said the 43 Catholic schools under its auspices all follow the same policy.

But the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops, the church’s lobbying arm in Tallahasse­e, opposes the Democratic bills that would ban discrimina­tion against gay students at private schools that take the scholarshi­ps, according to its website. Florida’s 244 Catholic schools are major players in Florida’s scholarshi­p programs, educating more than 25,000 voucher students this school year.

The Sentinel found many Catholic schools, including most of those in the Orlando diocese, offered no public guidance on their attitude toward gay or transgende­r students. One Collier County school, however, the Donahue Academy, posted its anti-gay policies in its handbook.

The academy says that the Catholic Church “teaches that same-sex attraction is inherently disordered,” and that those “experienci­ng this disordered inclinatio­n many not advocate for it or express it” or act “upon those inclinatio­ns romantical­ly or sexually.”

The academy enrolled about 115 scholarshi­p students last year out of a total enrollment of 270, receiving more than $690,000 in scholarshi­ps. It also has a policy against transgende­r students, saying it “will interact with students according to their biological sex … at birth.”

Eckes, the Indiana professor, also has a law degree and said the arguments for allowing rules against gay and transgende­r students — that they are based on “sincerely held religious beliefs” — mirror in troubling ways those once used by some private Christian schools to defend their ban on black students.

Bob Jones University, the evangelica­l Christian school in South Carolina, didn’t admit black students until 1971 and then only if they did not date or marry anyone outside their own race. University officials believed “that the Bible forbids interracia­l dating and marriage,” according to a 1983 U.S. Supreme court opinion.

Goldsboro Christian Schools in North Carolina, then serving children in kindergart­en through 12th grade, refused to enroll black children, the court said in that same opinion, citing the Bible and a belief that “mixing of the races is regarded as a violation of God’s command.”

The private schools could hold those beliefs, the nation’s top court decided, but they also could be stripped of the “public benefit” that comes from federal tax-exempt status because of their discrimina­tory practices.

Maryland’s scholarshi­p program prevents participat­ing private schools from discrimina­ting against students based on sexual orientatio­n or gender identity. But none of the other 15 states that offer scholarshi­p programs to private schools prohibit those institutio­ns from discrimina­ting against LBGTQ students or staff, Eckes’ research has found, likely because state lawmakers want as many private schools as possible taking part in these programs.

At least 115 private schools in Georgia’s taxpayerfu­nded scholarshi­p program had “explicit, severe anti-gay policies” or belonged to associatio­ns that espoused such views, according to a

2013 report by the Southern Education Associatio­n.

A 2017 investigat­ion by Chalkbeat, an online education newspaper, found that about 10 percent of Indiana’s private schools taking state vouchers had anti-LGBTQ policies.

“I think there’s sometimes a sense that now that marriage equality is the law of the land, there is no longer any discrimina­tion against gay and transgende­r people, and that is false,” said Caroline Mala Corbin, a law professor at the University of Miami.

The state could — and should — forbid anti-gay practices in institutio­ns that want its scholarshi­ps, said Corbin, who teaches constituti­onal law courses and specialize­s in First Amendment issues.

“I think it’s inappropri­ate to direct our money to institutio­ns that will discrimina­te,” she added.

School choice advocates argue that it’s parents, not the state, directing money to these religious schools, so it doesn’t amount to statesanct­ioned discrimina­tion.

Florida’s scholarshi­ps have helped thousands of students attend “quality private schools,” and the proposed legislatio­n would “punish Florida families for choosing a private school whose mission, values and teachings align with their religious beliefs,” said Jason Rachels, head of school at Calvary Christian Academy in Fort Lauderdale, in an email.

The Sentinel contacted

30 private schools, including all those mentioned in this story, by email, phone and, in several cases, hand-delivered letters. Rachels was one of two administra­tors who shared their views.

His school educated at least 598 scholarshi­p students last year, receiving at least $4 million in statebacke­d vouchers.

Its students must abstain from “homosexual behavior,” as the only permissibl­e sexual relationsh­ip is between a married man and woman, school documents show. Those with other views are “in fundamenta­l conflict with our sincerely held religious beliefs” and “something we are unable to support or facilitate in any manner in good conscience.”

If the bill protecting LGBTQ students in voucher programs passed, Florida would wade into a legal conflict, said Joseph Gibilisco, president of the Florida Coalition of Christian Private Schools Accreditat­ion, which has 11 member schools that take state scholarshi­ps and have anti-gay policies.

“For a government to hold a faith-based school in contempt because that school embraces an historical and traditiona­l position of human sexuality should be considered unequal treatment under the law and unconstitu­tional,” he said in an email.

Religious liberty is a fundamenta­l right in the country, he added, so it would be troubling if a state took action “because of difference­s in belief and practice,” he added.

The rejection still stings for Cari and Nicole Haagenson, whose two oldest girls were refused admission when they wanted to return to Master’s Academy in Vero Beach. The school received at least $371,000 in state scholarshi­p money to educate more than 60 students last year.

When Cari told her the children could not return to the school, Nicole initially assumed there had been a misunderst­anding.

“I’m pretty sure they can’t discrimina­te against you,” she remembers telling her. “I was wrong. They definitely could, and they definitely did.”

“I think the big question is, ‘Hey citizens of the state of Florida ... Do you want your taxpayer money used in this way?”

Suzanne Eckes, professor in educationa­l leadership and policy studies at Indiana University

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 ?? FRANCES BOLDEN/COURTESY ?? Florida Sen. Manny Diaz, left, and Gov. Ron DeSantis, second from right, stand with Piney Grove Boys Academy leaders Alton Bolden, right, and Frances Bolden and two students at the Lauderdale Lakes campus.
FRANCES BOLDEN/COURTESY Florida Sen. Manny Diaz, left, and Gov. Ron DeSantis, second from right, stand with Piney Grove Boys Academy leaders Alton Bolden, right, and Frances Bolden and two students at the Lauderdale Lakes campus.

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