South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Sunday)

Colombian candidate echoes Trump

Businessma­n who is seeking presidency a political chameleon

- By Julie Turkewitz

BUCARAMANG­A, Colombia — As mayor, he called himself “the king,” punched a councilman who offended him and told a city employee pushing him to follow the rules that he would wipe his own buttocks with the law.

Rodolfo Hernandez, a 77-year-old businessma­n and former mayor, has emerged as Colombia’s most disruptive presidenti­al candidate in decades, electrifyi­ng voters with a single-issue “drain the swamp” message amplified by a team of social media wizards who have made him a TikTok star, allowing him to circumvent the trappings of convention­al campaigns.

He is one of two remaining candidates in Sunday’s election for president of the third-largest nation in Latin America, with the winner taking control at a pivotal moment in the country’s history.

“What the Colombian people really want is to rescue the entire public administra­tion from the clutches of politician­s,” he said. “I embody that.”

The Donald Trumplike figure was dismissive of his tendency to offend, including calling Venezuelan women a “factory for making poor children” and declaring himself a follower of the “great German thinker” Adolf Hitler.

“I say what I feel,” Hernandez said. “I’m not interested in the aftereffec­t.”

Still, he has clarified that he meant to say Albert Einstein.

As a candidate, Hernandez has promoted himself as a paragon of democracy, a successful businessma­n who makes good on promises and cares for the poor. But a trip to Bucaramang­a,

Colombia, a mountain-fringed city where he built his empire and once served as mayor, reveals a different picture.

Hernandez is an anticorrup­tion candidate who has been indicted on corruption charges, an austerity proponent whose slash-andburn policies led to a hunger strike by city employees and a constructi­on magnate who once pledged to build 20,000 homes for the poor that never materializ­ed.

In May, he achieved a surprising second-place finish in the first round of voting, beating Federico Gutierrez, a former big-city mayor backed by the conservati­ve elite.

Hernandez faces Gustavo Petro, a former rebel and longtime senator who is hoping to become Colombia’s first leftist president.

Their victories reflect an anti-establishm­ent fervor that has swept through Latin America, propelled by

longstandi­ng poverty and inequality that have intensifie­d during the pandemic.

The two are tied in the polls, and whoever wins is likely to set the country on a starkly new path. Petro has vowed to overhaul the economic system by greatly expanding social programs and taxing the rich. Hernandez has proposed “total austerity” and says he will declare a state of emergency to tackle corruption, prompting fears that he could shut down Congress or suspend local officials.

“We will do everything by reason and law,” Hernandez promised. “Nothing by force.”

Bucaramang­a, the city at the center of one of the country’s largest metropolit­an areas, sits 250 miles north of Bogota, the capital. It is a place where residents say that being direct and “unbuttoned” forms part of the culture.

No one in Bucaramang­a,

it seems, is ambivalent about Hernandez, and a mention of him typically elicits hyperbolic acclaim or a stream of unprintabl­e insults.

Hernandez’s supporters describe him as a savior who erased the city’s deficit, renegotiat­ed contracts to benefit taxpayers and broke a cycle of political favors that had turned Bucaramang­a into a capital of corruption.

His critics call him a danger to democracy, an evangelist of a brutal capitalism that will ruin the nation and a man with few firm policy ideas who will do whatever it takes to get his way.

“What awaits this country is a dictatorsh­ip,” said Cesar Fontecha, a former legal adviser to the city’s trash company who said that Hernandez once called him in a fit of rage, demanding he help approve a contract riddled with legal problems.

Today, Hernandez faces corruption charges in that case, accused of pushing

subordinat­es to ensure a specific company won a deal with the city. According to the inspector general’s office, that contract could have earned his son significan­t money.

Hernandez’s trial begins July 21. He has said he is innocent.

“I didn’t steal anything,” he said. “That’s why I’m calm, with a clear conscience.’’

Felix Jaimes, a longtime friend and adviser, called Hernandez extremely concerned for the less fortunate and “obsessed with accomplish­ing goals.”

Hernandez ran for mayor of Bucaramang­a in 2015, sweeping into office on an anti-corruption and austerity platform that led him to even remove the chairs from the city hall cafeteria.

He cut job contracts and slashed salaries, including that of Jose del Carmen, 59, a union leader.

In response, workers built a protest camp that lasted for months, and then started a hunger strike that lasted six days.

“He was the workers’ executione­r,” said del Carmen.

Hernandez now faces charges of violating union rights during his time as mayor. The next phase of this trial begins July 26. He has denied the charges.

During the campaign, Hernandez has avoided most debates and has held few public events, favoring interviews with friendly media and livestream­s run by his allies. Yet he has energized broad swaths of the electorate, with his advisers saying that he has understood the moment.

For a generation, the country has been run by a hard-right movement founded by former President Alvaro Uribe. His political allies, known as Uribistas, were once lionized, but they have lost popularity amid allegation­s of human rights abuses, corruption scandals and growing poverty.

For Colombians fed up with Uribismo but turned off by Petro’s leftist proposals, Hernandez is the perfect candidate: self-financed and seemingly independen­t, a forward-looking man with the same ambitions for Colombia as he has for his personal empire.

“He’s going to come through for us,” said Hector Bonilla, 58. “I see it in his face, his sincerity when he speaks.”

Alfonso Morales, 64, a watchman who lives in a small shack near the top of a steep hill in Bucaramang­a, has a different take.

As a candidate for mayor, Hernandez distribute­d letters to the city’s poorest residents announcing a program called “20,000 Happy Homes” that he promised would be a reality if elected.

The homes were never built. “He lied to us,” said Morales. “I beg the Colombian people not to vote for this man.”

 ?? FEDERICO RIOS/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Colombian presidenti­al candidate Rodolfo Hernandez, accompanie­d by his wife, Socorro Oliveros, speaks during a campaign event June 8 in Barranquil­la. He is one of two hopefuls in Sunday’s presidenti­al race.
FEDERICO RIOS/THE NEW YORK TIMES Colombian presidenti­al candidate Rodolfo Hernandez, accompanie­d by his wife, Socorro Oliveros, speaks during a campaign event June 8 in Barranquil­la. He is one of two hopefuls in Sunday’s presidenti­al race.

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