Southern Maryland News

Trump supporters are not idiots

- Titus Muniz, Marbury

This is a response to Pat Elder’s letter to the editor from Friday, July 29 [“We’re witnessing the rise of an idiot culture”].

Mr. Elder wrote a letter to the editor claiming that we are observing the rise of an idiot culture. As a reader, I tried to determine why he was calling our culture idiotic. If I understand him correctly I believe the idiots are those who are unwilling to vote for Trump and his policies.

Since I like to think I am not an idiot, I looked at his arguments. Many of his claims are, to put it politely, questionab­le. First, he claimed immigrants have doubled the population. Immigrants make up 13.3 percent of the population. I am a little confused how immigrants doubled the population and yet only make up 13.3 percent of the population. Second, he stated that Trump was in Scotland saving that country. I am sure that Trump saving the country was news to the Scottish people. I did not know that building a resort was the salvation of a country.

Mr. Elder should also follow the American political system more carefully. The author missed the announceme­nt about Tim Kaine being the vice presidenti­al nominee because he strongly denounced the Clinton/Elizabeth Warren presidenti­al ticket. Finally, most of those who believe that Obama was not a natural born citizen believe that he was born in Kenya. The author added Ghana to the list of places where Obama was born. I would like to see evidence to support that.

I would ask the author to study the founding of our country as a nation of immigrants. We should all remember the words written on the Statue of Liberty. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” This is not what Mr. Trump believes makes America great.

The letter in question demonstrat­es what is wrong with the American political system. People have no respect for those who do not agree with them. Instead they resort to name calling and citing specious facts. People have the right to vote their conscious, as Ted Cruz suggested, and not be told they are idiots.

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