Southern Maryland News

Your choices


Every presidenti­al election seems to be more important than the last, but this one has reached critical mass. The direction of America and its government now hangs in the balance. We either preser ve the best of what’s left of our country or we surrender our rights and freedom to an unrestrict­ed, corrupt government. So let’s contemplat­e our choices.

Travelgate, Whitewater, Filegate, Chinagate, cattle futures, Pardon gate, Clinton Foundation money laundering, Uranium gate; together the Clintons have more gates than a football stadium. Honorable mentions: serial rape, impeachmen­t, disbarment, Haiti, Vince Foster, email national security violations, Ron Brown, disgracing the office of presidency and Oval Office, White House looting, incompeten­ce, unindicted criminal- ity, the mysterious disappeara­nce of $6 billion, just mentioning a few. Anyone interested in seeing how far the Clinton rabbit hole really goes have only to search “Mena, Arkansas” or “ist of Clinton scandals” on Google or YouTube.

The Clintons are not only corrupt, but they are corrupt-ing, i.e. the DOJ, the IRS, the State Department, the FBI, including the media. What we’ve seen thus far is just a preview of coming attraction­s, and the thing is, if elected, we will probably be spared knowing about others since the Clintons will control these agencies to avoid oversight, accountabi­lity and prosecutio­n.

Make no mistake, the Clintons are a package. This is not so much a marriage as it is an unholy alliance; truly, they are the Bonnie and Clyde of politics. Only the naive, the gullible and those chugging the Kool-Aid delude themselves into believing that the parade of lies, scandals and corruption will come to a screaming halt once they’re elected.

Am I thrilled with Trump? Not so much. I’ve had to change bumper stickers four times before the field whittled down to Donald TrumpSuppo­rters don’t confuse him with sainthood, but until Jesus Christ decides to run for office, Trump is our best option given the alternativ­e to a Clinton machine continuall­y driven by corruption, lies and scandal.

A footnote on Benghazi’s most instructiv­e lesson: consider a person who knowingly lies over four dead bodies being brought into a hangar, lies to the servicemen carrying their caskets, deliberate­ly lies to the grieving families, and then brazenly lies to a national audience witnessing this spectacle. Any reasonable person might rightly conclude that if a person is able to do that, they are capable of doing anything.

So now we’re down to our choices. We already know what Hillar y is, but when we vote, we get to answer the question: “At this point, what difference does it make?” Mike Turner, La Plata

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