Southern Maryland News

School name should be selected from first three submission­s, not later offerings


This letter was sent to members of the Charles County Board of Education. A copy was sent to the Maryland Independen­t.

I have no doubt that your job is very difficult, which is why I am assuming you appointed a naming committee to provide recommenda­tions for the naming of the new elementary school. I am sure the naming committee was given parameters with which to narrow down the names submitted. In fact, there was an entire process and deadlines related to the submis- sion of names to the naming committee.

Ultimately, the committee provided the school board with three choices: Margaret Jamieson Thornton, Ronald G. Cunningham and Charles Carrington. In the words of school board chairman Michael Lucas in the March 1 edition of the Maryland Independen­t, “The three names submitted were all very worthy.”

This leads to my confusion as to why three additional names (geographic­al) were asked to be submitted. The decision to ask for three additional (geographic­al) names, whatever the intent, suggests that something is wrong with the names submitted or each name is so worthy none can be chosen.

We know it’s a hard decision, but the school board makes hard decisions every day that impact our children. As a family member of one of the nominated names, I believe it sends a wrong message to request additional geographic­al names. If you wanted to consider geographic­al names, that should have been made known at the beginning of the process, not af- ter the process was completed.

To possibly name the new elementary school after a “road” or “developmen­t,” at this point, sends a message that a road or developmen­t deserves more honor than a human. Additional­ly, should the road or developmen­t already be named after an individual, then hasn’t that individual already been honored? Could naming the school after a geographic­al location be a bit of political correctnes­s? Does the school board have a slight concern of offending a family?

I think all three families represente­d are mature enough to honor the decision by the board. While each family has petitioned for their loved one’s name to be used, we all respect the process. To add three new names at this point is an insult to what has already been done. We know it’s a hard job naming the new elementary school, especially given the names presented; but, I implore you to honor your own process and select from the three original names. Tanja J. Carter, Indian Head

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