Southern Maryland News

Come together under Trump and unite


On my way home after visiting my mother at the hospital, I noticed a church sign that said to “count your blessings, not your problems.” I realized it is easier to concentrat­e on the negative than on the positive. This is what has happened to our nation. Concentrat­ing on what’s good, helpful and uplifting takes more effort, and the media isn’t interested in it.

I am disgusted with the attitudes of those who are still playing the “tit for tat” game and “the pot calling the kettle black.” Those who accuse others of bigotry and hatred are themselves guilty of the same, and waving signs saying “not my president” encourages more unrest.

Whatever happened to the idea of having a different viewpoint without name calling and violence? Even elementary kids are displaying hatred toward each other. This is not a healthy attitude. False and misleading accusation­s only add fuel to the flames of hatred. Our nation is no longer united.

It’s time to accept the reality that a majority of the American electorate were disgusted with the eight years of what I would call anti-Christian, anti-Israel, anti-law and anti-American policies of the Obama administra­tion and voted for a change. We wanted to walk down our streets without being attacked, stop the government from brainwashi­ng our children and forcing them to follow a religious edict they don’t believe, to live out our faith without fear of losing our business, and to stop funding our enemies. In the past eight years, we saw all the hateful and negative events got more attention than anything worthwhile, but a nation divided against itself cannot stand.

President Trump’s order concerning immigrants was intended to protect America from terrorism, nothing more, but because of the hatred of some liberals and the media who refuse to face reality, he has been compared to Hitler. Obviously, common-sense measures need to be taken to remedy the situation created by the Obama administra­tion, even if some people will not be allowed into the United States until they have been properly screened. This is just common sense, and not the first time a president has ordered it.

It’s time Americans unite and accept the fact that a new day has dawned and we are on a different path with the hope of making America great again. Let’s come together as a blessed nation and count our blessings. Gloria Hawkins, Prince Frederick

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